Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1641: Different from ordinary blood

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Jun Mohan's eyes trembled, because he didn't know that it was an ancient weapon, and it was a weapon that could hurt A Jin, so his heart broke out in an instant.

He felt as if he had ignored something and his heart was hurting.

The pain in his heart was the pain of the subconscious instinct, and he couldn't even understand it, it seemed to be related to his neglect of things he forgot.

Ran Qiulan heard Jun Mohan's voice and could hear the trembling sound inside.

She suddenly realized that she might have said something wrong.

Because she said that it could hurt Feng Sujin, with Jun Mohan's mind, as long as it is related to Feng Sujin's safety, he will explore to the end.

However, under the extremely strong sight of Jun Mo's cold air field, Ran Qiulan nodded his head hard.

She knew that lying to such a powerful Mr. Jun was useless.

She can conceal what happened to Feng Sujin's heart, and maybe nothing else.

Jun Mohan looked at Ran Qiulan and nodded. The dagger in his hand was almost unstable.

Jun Mohan had a feeling that his heart seemed to be cut by a knife.

He naturally knew that Blue Phoenix was not indestructible, and ancient weapons could hurt her completely.

When thinking of this possibility, Jun Mohan had a very severe and hurtful feeling while holding a dagger.

He never knew that the dagger left by his mother was an ancient weapon.

And if you look closely, you really don't see anything.

Jun Mohan thought of Feng Sujin's pale and weak look, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind, "Ajin she ..."

Jun Mohan was suddenly speechless. There was something faint about to come out, and his heart was trembling.

What he was most afraid of was whether he had hurt A Jin.

Jun Mohan's face turned pale and stiffly, "Ajin, could she be injured?"

When saying this, Jun Mohan's voice trembled and stared at Ran Qiulan tightly.

Ran Qiulan did not dare to look at Jun Mohan's current look. She lowered her head and pretended to be relaxed and said, "Su Jin, she just cuts her wrist, has a deeper wound and bleeds more blood, so she needs to take good care of it. It ’s different from ordinary people ’s blood. ”

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed a light, "You found this dagger in the woods, what else can you find?"

Yan Qiulan shook his head decisively.

Jun Mohan continued to ask, "What day?"

"It was **** that day."

After speaking, Ran Qiulan hated to be able to punch herself, she carefully looked at Jun Mohan, always thought he could think of something?

Feng Sujin didn't want Jun Mohan to know what happened on the full moon day, so she certainly didn't let him know the truth. Was she wrong?

Jun Mohan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

The full moon day ...

Before he was physically like that, there would be an abnormal day on the full moon, but he couldn't remember everything that day.

His dagger fell in the woods. Did he go to the woods?

Or what happened, he doesn't remember?

Jun Mohan knew she wouldn't say if she asked Ran Qiulan again. He could see if Ran Qiulan was lying.

He turned and strode towards the room.

Ran Qiulan looked behind, shouting anxiously: "Mr. Jun, Su Jin is sleeping and resting."

Jun Mohan kept walking forward, and said quietly, "I only guard her by the side, and will not disturb her to rest."

I don't know why, at this moment, Jun Mohan was desperately trying to be beside Feng Sujin, otherwise his heart would be panicked.

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