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In fact, this fact not only shocked Yan Qiulan, but also felt a sense of fear.

She couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it.

How Jun Mohan cares about Feng Sujin, they all see it.

It was really afraid of being melted in the mouth, afraid of falling in the hand.

Maybe deeper than this.

In her opinion, Jun Mohan regarded Feng Sujin more seriously than his life.

Even if Jun Mohan lost his life, he would not want Feng Sujin to be injured in the slightest. How could he still kill Feng Sujin? Ran Qiulan shook his head vigorously. "It's impossible. Jun Mohan cares about Feng Sujin so much. He killed himself, and he won't hurt Feng Sujin, huh ..."

When Ran Qiulan said this sentence, the corners of her mouth were pumped. The whole person was just like the magic wand. She didn't believe it, but she did not believe that Jun Mohan would hurt Feng Sujin.

Yue had no intention to know that Ran Qiulan couldn't believe it, and to be honest he didn't believe it, but from the analysis of reason, it was true.

"Everything is possible."

Ran Qiulan pushed away the moon without intention, and came out of Yue's heart, "I'll calm down first."

She needs to calm down.

She had to think about it, how could Jun Mohan hurt Feng Sujin?

Is it true that on the day of the full moon, Jun Mohan's body had an abnormal situation?

No wonder Feng Sujin is not willing to let Jun Mohan know that her heart has been stabbed. Was she afraid that Jun Mohan would blame herself?

Yue watched Ran Qiulan sitting there musingly. He walked over and touched Ran Qiulan ’s hair. "Maybe that's not Jun Mohan's original intention, but his physical condition is special. On the night of the full moon, he accepted the world The atmosphere, especially the absorption of the energy of the moon, will be abnormal and normal, so my guess is possible. "

Ran Qiulan's mouth ticked, and he sighed lightly: "The way these two love each other is really special. Jun Mohan knows that Feng Sujin's blood can save him, but he never said, preferring to take She didn't say that she was in danger of life. Feng Sujin knew that Jun Mohan had killed her. In order not to let Jun Mohan blame herself, she would rather hide this secret than herself. "

This love, Ran Qiulan thinks, has some feelings in her heart.

Although a little difficult to digest, it is understandable.

Love to the extreme, it may be like this!

Ran Qiulan seemed to think of something, and looked up at Yue Yue. "If you hit me, I will die. I can't do it like Feng Sujin."

No wonder Feng Sujin said that the pain in the body is nothing, the pain in the heart is fine.

She now understands why she said that.

The unintentional listener said Deng Qiulan's whole body shook, his eyes flashed with pain. He crouched down, took Ran Qiuran's hand, and put a kiss on his lips. I will not kill myself if I kill myself. "

Ran Qiulan's eyes flashed, looking at Yue Wuxin: "If your body is also abnormal, accidentally hit me?"

"If I knew, I would kill myself."

When saying this, Yue's unconscious look was very serious, and the light in her eyes was so deep.

Ran Qiulan's heart trembled, it is conceivable that what would happen if Jun Mohan knew that he had killed Feng Sujin!

Ran Qiulan's face turned pale, she seized Yuexin's hand, "So, Feng Sujin's heart hurt, we must conceal it from Jun Mohan."

Yue sighed inadvertently: "Maybe you can't hide it."

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