Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin remembers that when she was in Beiquan City, as long as she was beside her family, she had no other thoughts, and would look at him with various embarrassing thoughts.

She remembered that time, just like a little girl, she looked at her gentleman and was turned by a fan.

At that time, there wasn't much trouble. What I was thinking about every day was to be with him, wait for him to go home, and then eat together and take a walk together.

The world is peaceful.

Of course, there are a few slags to be abused, but the abuse of those slags has no technical content.

It is different from the large-scale operations in the country today.

Now they are faced with the strange national heroic departure, a national war, and there are many aspects to think about.

Although Feng Sujin was sitting on Jun Mohan's lap, she quickly settled down, let herself enter the state, and began to listen to Jun Mohan's explanation.

A large map was on the table, and Jun Mohan followed Feng Sujin's story about the empire.

Especially the situation in the empire, he said it in detail.

Feng Sujin listened, her expression became more and more condensed, and her frown became tighter and tighter.

The situation in the imperial capital is so complicated that the soldiers on their side are also seriously injured.

The soldiers sent by Guoyongjun did not know the soldiers of the ordinary army. They all joined the international mercenary group.

Hou Lijin This is a cooperation with some international forces, and I do not know what conditions are used for these forces.

Just when Feng Sujin was about to say something, Jun Mohan's cell phone rang.

He picked up the emergency call from a subordinate.

"Jun Shao, all the people in Dark Court No. 1 and 2 are annihilated ..."

As soon as the other party said this, an explosion sound came from the other end of the phone, with a scream, and then the sound was gone.

Feng Sujin also stood up all of a sudden, "What happened over there?"

Jun Mohan immediately picked up the computer, turned on the computer, and began to contact some of his subordinates.

However, according to the content of the video conference, after the invasion of the imperial capital, the people on their side suffered heavy losses.

Jun Mohan condensed: "Explain the situation in detail!"

"Jun Shao, the Guoyong Jun simply doesn't look like a human, he can't kill him at all, and he doesn't know where to get the power. He has set up a dark array, trapped our people in it, and left many people in a relationship with each other. Killing is terrifying ...

And the people here can hardly support it. Only the divine power can restrain the power of dark ghosts ... "

Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan listened seriously.

Especially Feng Sujin, her face sank. At this moment, she made a decision.

She is going to the imperial capital. She is going to direct the war herself.

Holy power, since she knows she is a blue phoenix, she should be able to restrain these ghostly powers.

After Jun Mohan had finished the video emergency meeting, Feng Sujin expressed his thoughts.

Jun Mo Hanxiang didn't want to say, "No, you can't go, it's too dangerous, and your injury is not good yet."

"Man Han, I must go, I want to go home, so we have to take the empire in our own hands, this nationwide war on the Chinese mainland, we need to personally direct, otherwise the damage will be more serious, will More people are dying. Trust me, I will protect myself. "

Feng Sujin said very seriously, her eyes are firm, she must go to the imperial capital.

"A Jin, I'm going to Emperor Capital, you're good."

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