Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Jun Mohan woke up in the afternoon, he looked at the time and his face changed.

He is going to get up early in the morning.

In addition, he also knew that Feng Sujin would take the Overlord Flower team to leave all the way to break into the capital.

Jun Mohan thought his face had changed.

He looked around and did not see Feng Sujin, and knew that she had set off and left.

Jun Mohan started to call Feng Sujin, but couldn't get through.

Jun Mohan was naturally anxious.

Even if you know that Feng Sujin should not be in danger now, the ability of Blue Phoenix has been turned on, and most people can't kill her.

But care is chaotic, he will still worry about Feng Sujin.

But Jun Mohan is rational because he knows where Feng Sujin went and what he did.

And on weekdays, he would wake up very early, but today is very strange, he actually slept for so long.

Jun Mohan felt the strength of his body, and it seemed that some energy was constantly recovering.

The deep sleep that night was actually repairing energy, which he could not control.

Ran Qiulan saw Jun Mohan awake and saw his cold look. She thought about what Feng Sujin said: "Mr. Jun, when Su Jin wakes up in the morning, she looks at your tired look and is not willing to disturb you , She said that she took the Overlord Flower team into the capital from the place and merged with you in the capital, so you don't have to worry about her ... "

Ran Qiulan Suxu's explanation of Feng Sujin was all explained.

Jun Mohan nodded faintly, thinking.

Ran Qiulan only felt that at this moment Jun Mohan was wearing an indifferent breath all over his body, which made people have to follow along.

Jun Mohan calmly knew what he was doing at this moment to end such a war earlier.

He couldn't let Feng Sujin pay.

He also knew that she wanted to go home.

Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it is really good for them to spend a real year at home.

He also knew what Feng Sujin was thinking.

But he still had to call and listen to Feng Sujin's voice. After hearing her voice, he could really feel relieved and then do the next thing.

But Jun Mohan has been calling from the afternoon, always calling Su Jin's cell phone.

He can only mobilize his subordinates to quickly find Feng Sujin's news.

Jun Mohan stood at the window and waited forever, waiting silently for Feng Sujin's news.

Without her news, he could do nothing.

He needs a reason for peace of mind.

It was not until Jun Mohan got the news of Feng Sujin that he knew that she was leading the battle with the Overlord Flower team in Pingsu City, and he was relieved.

Jun Mohan sent the people in Junlou to protect Feng Sujin's safety in secret.

"You don't need to show up, you just need to protect Madam Young. You show up when she is in danger."

After a pause, Jun Mohan changed his saying, "When it is not life threatening, don't show up, let her grow up!"

Jun Mohan knew that he needed to give Feng Sujin enough time and space for her to exercise and win prestige.

So he wanted to control his urge to protect her under the wings.

He must also control himself not to find Feng Sujin.

After knowing the news of Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan didn't know how long he stood by the window.

Feng Sujin was safe, and he was at ease. He quickly packed up, held an emergency meeting, arranged tasks for the garrison, and then took a most elite team directly to the capital.

He will meet with Jin in the Imperial City.

They will really return home.

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