Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Listening to the Lord's words, Sai Wei's whole body suddenly shaken.

They followed the master, and they all had a feeling of fighting more and more bravely.

They also know that the master cherishes them very much.

They can safely pass their lives to the master.

And fighting for the master and son, and fighting for the people of the country, they have a sense of blood surging inside.

Feng Sujin and several generals of the Overlord Team started discussing tactics against the map.

After the discussion, everyone's worship of Feng Sujin took another level.

Feng Sujin figured the time in her mind, let the team continue to rest for another two hours, and then rushed overnight.

As soon as Feng Sujin ordered, everyone hurriedly took time to rest.

However, during the rest period, they are in turn vigils.

Although there are guards in Pingsu City, they are still used to patrolling the vigil.

Two hours later, everyone set off quickly.

Hu Fengcheng was close to the south. In order to hurry up to intercept the team of Guo Yongjun, Feng Sujin directly intercepted and killed everyone. She took everyone to cut the path from the steep mountain road to the other side.

Fortunately, all the female soldiers of the Overlord Flower team are trained, and climbing mountains and cliffs is a trivial matter.

However, Hu Fengcheng is close to the south and has a unique terrain and a warmer climate.

That night, there was a wind.

"Woohoo ..."

Sai Qin watched the weather, and she whispered, "Master, it may rain tonight."

Feng Sujin's look changed. She calculated the time, and then ordered everyone to dress lightly and quickly.

In terms of time, the team must be intercepted before dawn. Only in this way can the people's injuries be reduced, the traffic mains can be truly constrained, and Guo Yongjun not be given a breather.

It was only when crossing a gorge that Feng Sujin suddenly felt strange. She lay on the ground and listened with a look of surprise.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Not far behind us, there is a good team, not like an ordinary army, but like ..."

"like what?"

Feng Sujin's eyes narrowed, "Based on their pace and the ground shaking, they are judging whether they are in a hurry or chasing someone, like a killer team."

When Feng Sujin had contacted Overlord Flowers before, they were a group of killers.

So it's still easy for her to figure it out, but it's just her guess.

"Sir, do we still move on?"

Feng Sujin thought for a moment, and said decisively: "Everyone gives me a cliff and walks from above."

Although going up the cliff will make a detour, but will avoid unnecessary trouble.

After Feng Sujin ordered, everyone quickly climbed up the cliff.

Everyone is fast, and in a short time, no one will be visible below the valley.

Feng Sujin also followed the cliff halfway up the mountain.

Although it is a cliff here, it is not steep, it is just a highland valley, which is very easy to climb.

The view from below can also be seen from above.

Not long after Feng Sujin was halfway up the mountain, she seemed to hear something. Looking down, it was a few people protecting a person in the opposite direction they had just gone.

Feng Sujin blinked. If these people walk in that direction, they will directly face the killer team.

Feng Sujin was hesitant in her heart.

But she really didn't have time. She had to intercept the team of Guo Yongjun before dawn, to prevent that team from continuing to undermine the city and hurt the people.

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