Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Although Feng Sujin was in the rain, she just faced the rain like this, her eyes glowed, and she spoke these words with arrogance on her hands.

At this moment, she was full of momentum, letting people look up, and felt that she was really the superior who was born to be superior, and she wanted to direct everything.

Lan Beichen said without hesitation: "Okay!"

He believed in Feng Sujin, and there was no reason to believe that even if he gave his life, he was not afraid.

At the last moment, he was able to stay with Feng Sujin, and he was very contented.

Lan Beichen spoke, and his subordinates naturally followed suit.

And I don't know why, Feng Sujin really has a convincing momentum.

Feng Sujin is a very mobile person, she instructed everyone to quickly arrange the place, and then quickly climb the cliff.

Someone was inconvenient to be injured, Feng Sujin let others carry the cliff on his back.

After climbing up the cliff, Feng Sujin again made various preparations quickly.

After everything was ready, everyone waited quietly on the cliff in the rain.

Although on a rainy night, Feng Sujin's senses are still very clear, especially with her ears lying on the ground, and the sound vibration can be heard most.

"Coming soon, 200 meters, 100 meters ... 50 meters ..."

Feng Sujin shouted softly in his mouth.

Sure enough, a killer group of about a hundred people appeared where they had just stood.

The corner of Feng Sujin's mouth was sharply curved.

Sure enough, a hole was suddenly opened on the ground, and the first few people fell down.

The next few people reacted and jumped away quickly, but the burrow in the front opened, and the institutions in the back were opened. The deep pits, the barbs of trees, and the beasts in the cave were waiting to eat. Meat too!

And the trees on both sides suddenly fell down like this and hit some people.



"Retreat, retreat ..."

No matter where they go, this is a chain of institutions. The first thing that falls into the pit is that the institutions are opened.

The ground they walked on before was fine, but when the agency opened, they were really dangerous when they pulled back. "what……"

Although on the rainy night, thunder roars will cover up some sounds, but the screams of shouts are one after another.

Feng Sujin listened sharply.

She has passed the time of softheartedness, and when confronting the enemy, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to herself.

She will never relent.

It's time to do it.

The cat lying in Feng Sujin's arms occasionally looked out.

Of course, the most ferocious beasts are from it.

When the Hundreds of Killers were annihilating the whole army, Feng Sujin grabbed the vines and jumped down from the cliff, while the two guns in his hand began to sweep.

The ten people in Bawanghua stared at Feng Sujin with starry eyes, just like watching the goddess.

Several people under Lan Beichen's heart were chilling. This woman turned out to be so strong. Fortunately, their master and her were friends, not enemies.

Lan Beichen looked at Feng Sujin, his eyes flashed too complicated light.

He could feel that Feng Sujin was getting stronger and stronger, and he was getting farther and farther from Feng Sujin.


It didn't take long before time passed, she was already so powerful.

Lan Beichen clenched his fists with both hands. If he didn't die this time, he would have to be strong and catch up with Feng Sujin's steps. In this way, he could help Feng Sujin later.

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