Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin had pain and missed her loved ones. It was useless, because she had so many emotions that the sacrifice person would not survive.

So she had to stand up and continue to be strong in order to be worthy of their sacrifice.

Only by standing higher can the living person never leave.

When Feng Sujin said these words, she was sad.

Because she thought of the battle of the imperial capital again, those who sacrificed.

Thinking of such a loving father Jun Zhengqi, thinking of such a lovely sister Jun Jingrou.

No one knows behind her laugh, how much pain she suffered under her heart.

Every time she thinks about it, she forces herself to be strong and continue to work hard.

Only then can everyone be worthy, isn't it?

Feng Sujin said these words, so that Lan Beichen's heart was touched, as if suddenly made him understand something.

But he could feel that when Feng Sujin said these things, her heart was vicissitudes.

Lan Beichen's heart suddenly felt pain.

He really wanted to hold Feng Sujin back in his arms and wanted to give her some comfort. He really felt bad.

But Lan Beichen knew that he couldn't hold Feng Sujin now.

His hands on his side could only be clenched into fists.

He couldn't help thinking of the time in Beiquan City before, when Feng Sujin belonged to him, his girlfriend, fiancee.

At that time, she was just like a little girl, and sometimes she wanted to hug him beside her.

He could feel that she was very dependent on him, and she liked to hug.

But at that time, he would be impatient, he was not involved in feelings, and he was not willing to embrace.

What he didn't know was that Feng Sujin wanted to embrace, in fact, he wanted to get a sense of security.

She is sometimes physically and mentally exhausted, she just wants to be hugged, and she can feel a sense of security and ease.

She sometimes feels that her relationship with Lan Beichen has always been her passion and she is working hard.

Sometimes she didn't feel Lan Beichen's enthusiasm.

At that time, Feng Sujin could only keep her heart full of enthusiasm and love only through hugging and some physical contact.

At that time Lan Beichen didn't understand.

So now when he thinks about it, he only feels pain in his heart and has a sense of guilt.

Feng Sujin later met his lover, Jun Mohan, who loved her so much, gave her a hug, gave her love, and warmed her wandering heart with love.

Therefore, Feng Sujin now has only her family member in her heart.

She helped Lan Beichen to help out of a feeling of being unable to see death.

Lan Beichen's face was full of rain. In fact, he could not tell whether it was rain or tears.

He took a deep breath and said husky: "Thank you, I know what to do."

Feng Sujin pointed in that direction: "So let's kill it back!"

"it is good!"

After Feng Sujin asked all the news, she handed that person over to Lan Beichen.

Then she and Lan Beichen took more than a dozen people in that direction.

After hearing a similar voice, Feng Sujin stopped and started to continue the array, and then asked the cat to lead the beast over.

They and their group hid in the trees, ready to shoot.

Feng Sujin thought that this road would also be close to the Overlord Flower team. After helping Lan Beichen at that time, she went directly to the Overlord Flower team.

This time, let Saiwei exercise.

Because she wanted to make Saiwei the first general of Overlord Flower from the beginning.

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