Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Lan Beichen at this moment was real anger, the anger of being trampled on pride.

The flames of anger were burning under his eyes.

His hand holding the gun was tense, as if to crush it.

Feng Sujin noticed that at this moment, Lan Beichen's whole body seemed to have undergone some changes.

His eyebrow seemed to flash a white light.

Ice race?

Feng Sujin suddenly remembered that the picture of the monuments seen in the Lingyue clan was that there were people sitting around the altar, and there was a person with white light on his forehead.

Her husband said that it was a temple.

The six tribes under the temple, the heirs of the six tribes go straight to the temple.

So, Lan Beichen is the true heir of the ice clan? True bloodline heritage?

A smile arose from the corner of Feng Sujin's mouth, and he said loudly, "No need to talk nonsense to these people, kill them."

Feng Sujin said, everyone cooperated with the tacit understanding to start the attack and kill the more than twenty black shadows.

Feng Sujin jumped down from the tree and shot backwards. Her figure was fast and fast, just like a cheetah, and flexible.

She attacked each other's siege formation from above, making it easier for the people on her side to kill them.

The ten people of Bawanghua are constantly spinning and constantly approaching and killing themselves. After a while, they jump on the tree and then they jump off. Their body formations are diverse. Lan Beichen was angered, and his potential seemed to be excited, faster.

His subordinates were unwilling to show weakness when they looked at women so much.

This is a morale and power competition.

Rumble ...


People in black fell one by one.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man in black who was talking before was ready to transmit a signal.

Because there is no signal at this cliff, no information can be transmitted from mobile phones and messaging tools, they can only launch with the most primitive signal flare.

However, at the moment of his launch, Lan Beichen was flying out of his swift flying knife and cut off the arm of the man in black just now.


That signal flare also fell directly to the ground, and was poured by the rain and lost its effect.

The end of a fight, everyone was the same as Luo Tangji, but Feng Sujin smiled.

Although it is dangerous and nervous, the key is that the people on their side cooperate with each other. Everyone is killing these black people without fear of death.

She felt in danger and her physical potential had risen to another level, and she was satisfied.

Feng Sujin leaned on the tree next to her, panting, then laughed.

She smiled, and Lan Beichen's subordinates also laughed.

"Master, we are saved, saved, they are all dead, they are all dead."

Lan Beichen's subordinates really thought that they could not escape this valley, but did not expect it to be a real Jedi.

Their master shouldn't die.

At this moment, they are sincerely grateful to Feng Sujin.

If Lan Shao was able to choose Feng Sujin when he was in Beiquan City, it would be great to join forces.

Unfortunately, everyone did not see that Feng Sujin was the piece of jade.

Lan Beichen still had a momentary encounter. Just after his body changed, he could feel the energy of his body.

But at that moment, the power seemed to disappear.

He looked at his hand, and just now he sent out the flying knife faster than all his imagination.

Lan Beichen didn't understand what was going on?

After Feng Sujin opened her heart, she walked to Lan Beichen and patted him on the shoulder. "Trust yourself."

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