Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan was silent, and the whole person seemed to be pulling away from here and over here.

He did not know those who had been killed, but he would have seen such a scene.

What he always wanted was revenge, but he really dealt with all these people and really revenge, but his heart was empty.

Because he always insisted on revenge, after he really revenge, he didn't know what to do next?

Perhaps it is standing on the highest level, taking good care of the country and being accountable to the people.

I don't know how long after that, Jun Mohan made a gesture to Ye Xing.

Ye Xing saw the gesture of Jun Shao, and then threw a dagger in front of these people. "At that time, you killed so many innocent people here, and you alone could not bear so many lives, so you can put All your loved ones have joined, and they will die together. "

"Rao Ming, Rao Ming ... is our fault ..."

The fierce begging sounded again, and these people scratched their heads again.

Some are scared.

Ye Xing frowned, and said, "But you can also solve your own problems, so that you may let go of the people around you, of course, they must not be involved in anything."

"No, no, it's because we're blinded, this kills us, this kills us ..."

Everyone scrambled to grab the knife.

The first person stabbed at the heart and fell down.

The second person watched the first person die, shaking with a knife, the knife was unstable.

They are greedy for fear of death, how can they succeed when they see the dead.

For some people who killed heavy people, Ye Xing let them die, killing the light ones, Ye Xing let them cut off a finger or toe, and then let them go to do good things for the people of the imperial capital every day.

Can't do ten good things in a day, let's die!

These people are supervised every day.

So they are afraid to die every day to do good deeds and work.


Feng Sujin took the Overlord Flower team all the way, and when he entered the imperial capital, he also knew that the situation of the imperial capital was now under control.

And when she brought the Overlord Flower into the Imperial City, the people were all cheering.

Everyone shouted: "Queen, Queen, Overlord Flowers, Overlord Flowers ..."

Seeing Feng Sujin taking this team so heroic and cheerful, the people were boiling with blood.

In particular, many women are really excited when they look at the Overlord Flower Soldiers.

They are so envious, in fact, there is a patriotic feeling in a country for both men and women.

They never knew that women soldiers could be so powerful.

"It's so exciting. It turns out this is the Overlord Flower.

"I will join the army in the future and become a member of the Overlord Flower Girl Soldier. I heard that they have created a miracle of war along the way ..."

"So handsome, women are so handsome ..."

"This momentum is not necessarily comparable to the men!"

"The key is that they have a good leader, Feng Sujin, our future queen ..."

"In the future, the king of our empire will be the young and the queen will be Feng Sujin. Our empire will become better and better."


Feng Sujin thought that when he came to the capital, he would meet with Jun Mohan.

She also wants Jun Mohan.

After she settled on the Overlord Flower, she couldn't wait to find Jun Mohan.

But Jun Mohan's phone seemed to be off.

Feng Sujin can only find Ye Xing.

Can not find Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin's heart was flustered.

Although she knew that Mr. Jiajun was safe now, her heart was restless.

She had to see him.

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