Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin looked at the four words Nalancai and snorted coldly.

At that time, Narantsebo sent someone to kill her, forcing her to jump over the moat, and she just liquidated it.

Feng Sujin was carrying Feng Xinjing and was going to the palace where Nalancebo lived.

At this moment, she walked in a footstep, and she glanced around everyone, and the wooden board in her hand was directly facing the wall.

"Pop!" A loud crackling sounded.

Everyone saw that the wooden board was broken into very small pieces.

This ... this effort shook everyone.

Amazing! So cruel!

Everyone can understand that if Feng Sujin hit someone on the wall, they would probably become scum.

very scary!

When everyone felt this way, Feng Sujin whispered coldly: "I Feng Sujin is here to say something. If you are a good people in the imperial capital, Jun Mohan and I will protect you and let everyone have a peace. The living environment allows people to live and work in peace.

But if I really think that Su Fengjin is a soft persimmon and wants to handle it, it is like this wooden board! "

At this moment, Feng Sujin looked stern, and his eyes were overwhelmingly murderous.

At this moment, she let everyone look up.

Of course, her words, like snow and ice, fell on everyone's hearts, so that everyone's hearts followed the cold and the ice, and the stimulus had to be heard very clearly.

Such a sentence, no one dares to take it seriously.

Such a sentence, I believe, will soon be heard in the ears of everyone in the capital and in the ears of everyone in the empire.

When she spoke, she dared to cure anyone who dared to make trouble.

All troubles are sick, and they must be treated severely.

Feng Sujin's eyes were sternly murderous, and no one would dare not listen.

The guards were shaken and felt that Madam Young's words were really energizing.

They would be loyal to such a master, domineering!

This is their future queen, courageous!

Look at the group of silly people who have been deterred by their young lady!

When Feng Sujin glanced at the group of troubled people, the group could not stand the pressure, and they began to kneel on the ground scrambling.

"Mrs. Jun, it is this woman who inspires us, we know nothing."

"Yes, yes, we don't know anything, we didn't do anything, we ..."

"Mrs. Jun Shao forgive us ..."


Feng Sujin listened to them and also spoke, thinking of Jun Mohan in the palace, she said in a deep voice: "Shut up for me!"

In a word, these people dare not say anything.

Because Feng Sujin's eyes convinced them that if they dared to say one more thing, they would likely be photographed on the wall like that of Feng Xinjing.

Feng Sujin said to Ye Xing: "Yue Xing, send someone to check out the details of these people, and check the whole story. After checking, the news will be announced to me one by one. Don't make people think we bully. "

"Yes, Madam!"

Ye Xing's voice was trembling, he was excited.

From the beginning to the end, he saw in his eyes, Madam Young's domineering, let him admire and admire from the bottom of his heart.

His eyes followed.

As Jun Shao expected, Madam Shao was really strong and strong, and she would never let others handle it.

He believed that the Empire and the Chinese mainland would be more and more glorious and prosperous under the administration of the young and old ladies.

They look forward to it.

He even looked forward to the ascension ceremony of Jun Shao. That day must be the most anticipated.

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