Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

What do you love ...

Bad for you ...

The latter two words were murmured when Jun Mohan kissed her.

These words are more explosive than any love words at this time.

Feng Sujin felt that her whole body was about to explode. With a loud bang, her head was blank.

These words of Jun Mohan also made Feng Sujin's whole body shudder like electricity.

Her family gentleman just had this ability, and in a few words, she moved her emotions.

In addition, Jun Mohan's fingers ignite all the melody on her body with the cool temperature like playing the piano.

Feng Sujin felt like she couldn't breathe. There was a feeling of dizziness, and I didn't know how.

Her hands tightened tightly around Jun Mohan's neck, she only approached Jun Mohan by instinct.

She felt that her whole body was hot and hot, and Jun Mohan could resolve the fire.

She wants to get closer to him.

"Mo ... Mo Han ..."

Feng Sujin hugged Jun Mohan's neck and shouted his name instinctively.

Drying the wood for too long, once it encounters a blaze, it is really burning fire, she can't control herself, and rises emotionally, only to burn faster. There were beasts in Jun Mohan's body who were clamoring to run out, and his whole body was about to explode, a kind of painful blast.

But he has to endure.

Even if he has an impulse to tear now, he will bear it.

He can't hurt Feng Sujin.

After all, two people really haven't had a real affection for a long time.

This was the first time they were back in their house, and he wanted to treat her tenderly.

"Baby, boy, for a while, for a while ..."

Jun Mohan explored with his fingers ...

Feng Sujin was shouting, his teeth biting on Jun Mohan's shoulders, and tears came out of his eyes.

She wanted to miss ...

After being ignited, she couldn't control herself.

Of course, she and Jun Mohan are powerful people in their hearts, not that they can't control it, but because of love, they don't want to control it.

They want to express their inner love and passion.

Tell each other's love in this way.

"Mo ... Mo Han ... Hum ..."

Jun Mohan's eyes were getting darker and darker, and his body was tight.

He hated being able to melt away Feng Sujin.

"A Jin, my A Jin ..."

Jun Mohan kissed Feng Sujin tenderly, but the gentle kiss was also overbearing.

When the two were truly affectionate, Feng Sujin felt a deep intensity, leaving tears of excitement in the corners of his eyes.

Because it was strong, and her head seemed to explode.

The body is very soft and soft, soft and boneless.

Jun Mohan hugged her, kissed with love, and gave her the best enjoyment.

He wants to make his A Jin happy.

The burning of a dry wood fire, with constant affection ...

There seemed to be only two people breathing in the room.

I don't know how long it took before Jun Mohan let go of Feng Sujin, but still hugged her.

Feng Sujin is now a lazy woman, leaning on the arms of her loved one.

She closed her eyes and didn't want to talk.

Still in the aftertaste just now.

She really loves her husband, and she also loves the many feelings she gives her.

Jun Mohan stroked Feng Sujin's back gently, helping her calm down, "Ajin ..."


Feng Sujin's voice was all dry, showing how intense it was just now.

Jun Mohan got up and poured water for Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin grabbed Jun Mohan's arm.

Jun Mohan looked back at her, "What happened?"

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