Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin's mouth moved, and she wanted to work hard to show a carefree smile to Jun Mohan.

She wanted to tell him she had no mind.

But at this moment, Feng Sujin suddenly felt the strong air pressure from Jun Mohan's body, and the temperature on the entire first floor dropped.

The strong air pressure on Jun Mohan enveloped her.

This made Feng Sujin dare not turn her head to face Jun Mohan's eyes. She felt that when she faced Jun Mohan, she would be involuntarily softened, and her eyes would leak her heart.

So Feng Sujin pretended to be there without a problem, without tilting her head, and said, "Now that we are all back to the Emperor Capital and go home, we can be happy, I have no mind."

After Feng Sujin said this, she felt that the temperature in the air had dropped immediately, and she felt a chill.

This cold air emanated from Jun Mohan, making Feng Sujin even more emboldened.

She even felt awkward and couldn't help moving to the side, a little farther from the cold.

Jun Mohan's eyes suddenly passed by the faint and deep light.

He reached out and took Feng Sujin over, let her sit on her legs with her legs spread apart, and fixed her whole body in her arms.

When Jun Mohan exerted his strength, Feng Sujin couldn't escape the embrace of Jun Mohan.

And still this posture.

Feng Sujin couldn't even struggle.

She could only lower her head.

Jun Mohan's breath was too strong. At this moment, Jun Mohan seemed to be guessing what was happening, and the whole body's blood was flowing.

He looked at Feng Sujin with deep eyes, then raised her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look at her own eyes.

"Ajin, tell me, what are you thinking? What are your thoughts, tell me."

When Jun Mohan said this sentence, his tone was very domineering, which was completely different from the usual intonation.

Seems to be angry.

Feng Sujin's neck narrowed, his eyes flickered, his eyes fluttered, just not looking at Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan's faint light is getting deeper and darker, like a mist, but it seems as if he has suddenly drawn a **** dark breath.

In the beauty, with the spirit of demon, it is ecstatic.

Feng Sujin felt that at this moment, her heartbeat accelerated.

With Jun Mohan like this, she couldn't fight it, she felt that her heart was trembling.

"Mo ... Mo Han ..."

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Feng Sujin spoke with stammer.

Jun Mohan's mouth evoked a shallow smile, beautiful and delicate, but strangely strange.

He looked lazy, but with a strong breath.

He said verbatim: "Ajin, tell me, what are you thinking? Tell me ..."

Feng Sujin felt suffocated in Jun Mohan's breath, and also felt stunned.

She licked her lips and swallowed her throat: "I ... I didn't think of anything, just thinking we would never be apart again."

Jun Mohan was obviously dissatisfied when he heard this sentence. His slender fingers raised Feng Sujin's chin, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames and flames, strange and hot.

It was the ultimate black, devouring soul.

Feng Sujin felt as if she had suddenly entered the void and darkness, her body could not help shaking.

This kind of Jun Mohan is very strange, and it scares her.

She remembered once again the day of the Lingyue clan, when he was in the back mountain forest, his weird look.

Although the heart wound was long gone, at this moment, there was still a feeling of pain in her heart wound.

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