Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was numb all over her body, her heart trembling, and her whole body trembling.

Her heart was undulating and she could not help breathing.

Feng Sujin didn't know why, so she felt that Jun Mohan was really strange, familiar and strange at this time.

When Jun Mohan loved her most, he didn't look like this.

In this way, if you want to love someone, no one can fight it!

Her heart beats like a drum.

She didn't know if she was stunned or scared by Jun Mohan.

This kind of Jun Mohan is captivating and deceptive, but it also makes her feel very dangerous.

Dangerous you can't disobey him at all.

Everything is so exquisite, but with a cunning in the exquisite beauty.

At this time, Feng Sujin had a feeling that Jun Mohan was a man as beautiful as a demon.

And it's her man.

She could see deep love in his eyes and a love that destroyed everything.

This love is deep and overbearing.

He just moved her with his voice.

But she was trembling all over, and didn't know why.

Feng Sujin felt dry and dry, and she couldn't help licking her lips.

But her action made Jun Mohan laugh.

His laughter was so low-alcoholic and sweet, but not the same as usual.

Feng Sujin just can tell.

Jun Mohan bowed his head in Feng Sujin's ear and said, "Ajin, for whatever reason, you must remember, don't think about leaving."

Feng Sujin shook her head vigorously. She felt that at this moment, Jun Mohan had two strengths in her body, feeling positive and evil.

The wickedness of him really makes people calm down.

"Uh-huh, don't leave, you're leaving."

"I don't leave, I'm going to kill someone."

When saying this, the corner of Jun Mohan's mouth was bloodthirsty.

When Jun Mohan said to kill someone, Feng Sujin's heart shook.

When Feng Sujin returned slightly, she realized that it might be Nalancai.

"She still has value. Did she just kill her like that?"

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed cool, with a thick danger, and that was a killing look.

He groaned: "Must be killed."

Feng Sujin pursed her lips, well, she doesn't have the courage of Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's look, and said, "Ajin, as you just said, you are just my wife, and other identities are not important. Even an enemy, you are my lover."

I have to say that her husband would really be stunned, and her heart would be calmed down suddenly, sweet and warm.

Domineering to make her love.

In fact, Feng Sujin's heart was hurt, so it is easy to be emotionally fragile and insecure.

But she met the overbearing Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan seems to be elegant and indifferent, and he doesn't care about anything, but once he has someone he cares about, he will inevitably seize it.

She will not be allowed to escape.

And this kind of Jun Mohan is exactly the kind of person who can bring Feng Sujin's sense of security.

Even with hatred, Jun Mohan didn't pay attention.

What about the hatred, he clearly distinguished, has nothing to do with Feng Sujin.

In fact, Feng Sujin had been struggling with Nalan Teppo himself after that interrogation.

In fact, Nalancai was nothing more than using these words to discuss conditions with Feng Sujin, or perhaps those words to alienate Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan.

However, Nalancai underestimated the degree to which Jun Mohan cares about Feng Sujin.

She also underestimated the strength of Jun Mohan's heart.

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