Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin said of this and thought of the Yun family's authenticity.

She had been to the tunnel of the Yun family before and was washed away by the water to the Dongfu tribe.

That was when Jun Mohan went to the south for disaster relief.

But she has a good memory, and the patterns of the stone walls above her seen in the tunnel are very clear.

But then, when she went again, the tunnel was intact and there was no pattern.

However, the stone wall map pattern she had seen before was clear in her mind.

That was a map, and she didn't know what kind of map it was.

Is it a map to where?

Then she must remember it in her mind, but can't forget it.

Jun Mohan watched Feng Sujin's spirit suddenly, he smiled gently, and patiently explained to Feng Sujin: "The north power city is the legendary place of ancient gods. It gathers aura and Zhonglingyuxiu, but only Legend, as far as I know, Beiquan City should have a way to the land of God, ancient land, so there is such a legend. "

When Feng Sujin heard this, her heart trembled. She grabbed Jun Mohan's arm. "Mo Han, I told you, when I went to the Yunjia tunnel once, I always felt that there was a power to call. I, and the idiosyncrasy has changed, it seems like what was activated, I still see ... "

Feng Sujin never thought of something concealing Jun Mohan.

As long as she thought about it, she did not hesitate to tell Jun Mohan what she knew.

Regardless of this, Feng Sujin almost forgot.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, his expression moved, "Ajin, do you remember those paintings?"

Feng Sujin nodded, "Hmm, remember, go, let's go to the study, I'll draw it for you."

Jun Mohan watched Feng Sujin's raging fire, and suddenly he seemed to be in a spirit, and couldn't help laughing.

He looked at the hand pulled by Feng Sujin and said softly, "Slow down, don't worry."

"Oh, I want to show you."

"Okay, okay ..."

Feng Sujin's cute appearance made Jun Mohan's heart drunk.

When he looked at Feng Sujin, his eyebrows were full of soft light, which was the light that could warm the hearts of people most.

Feng Sujin didn't pay attention to anything else.

When she came to the study, she focused on painting all the stone murals in her mind.

"Later when I went to the Yunjia tunnel, I couldn't find these paintings in any way. I even thought it was an illusion or a dream, but in fact, I was really washed into the Dongfu tribe by the current."

Jun Mohan didn't say anything. When Feng Sujin drew these murals, he saw his head suddenly explode.

I just felt that there was something looming in my mind.

Although he is not sure, he can be sure that this must be true and still an important painting.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan's serious look, and his heart followed, "Mo Han, is there a problem with the painting?"

Jun Mohan shook his head and said with some seriousness, "Ajin, this painting should be very important, either on the continent or on the map leading to the real godland."



"Why do you say the Yunjia tunnel can lead to it? But I have researched several times, only that tunnel leads to the outside of the city, but every time I enter, I always feel the power to call me."

Jun Mohan frowned, thoughtfully, "You have accidentally moved some place before, and may have opened other channels, so that there may be many institutions in that tunnel, leading to many places."

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