Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei has been busy developing the politics, economy, and military of country h since she became the queen again ...

Although everything is on track, she wants to continue to develop country h and make country h more prosperous.

There is also the matter about the Residual Blood Building. Feng Sufei has always been asked to check specific details, and has never given up.

After all, Canxuelou seems to want to devour her country H, but also wants to kill her!

Such a dangerous existence, Feng Sufei must not let it exist.

Even if it is difficult to shake the blood tower, she will not let it go.

There is no news about her father, she has not been anxious.

Nan Rong Huai'an made a trip to country h and he didn't know what he encountered. He was injured.

Will Nan Rong Huai'an, who is strong in her heart, be hurt again?

Feng Sufei remembers the day she saw Nan Rong Huaian injured, and she felt broken.

She was so worried about Nan Rong Huaian!

She didn't know how Nan Rong Huai'an was injured. When he asked Nan Rong Huai'an, he didn't say anything.

Moreover, the doctors couldn't see the problem, but they looked for a reclusive psychiatrist to see that Nan Rong Huaian's injury was weird. It wasn't like an ordinary wound, but he was hurt by some strange power.

Feng Sufei asked Nanrong Huaian, but Nanrong Huaian didn't say anything.

She was anxious.

When she was in a bad mood, she received news from the Chinese Empire.

Sister and brother-in-law are really alive, they have regained the power of the country, and they are ready to go to power.

This is really very good news for Feng Sufei.

She is happy and happy for her sister.

After reading the news several times, Feng Sufei determined that there was no problem, and she breathed a long sigh of relief.

Feng Sufei herself did not realize that she was crying from the corner of her eyes because of her emotional excitement.

She cherishes her loved ones.

When she was the Queen Dongfangyan, she had no relatives. Now she has only her sister and father. What is important to her is her relatives.

Whether it is Dongfang Yan or Feng Sufei, she values ​​her family so much.

She is Dongfangyan and Feng Sufei, both in her soul.

Feng Sufei wiped away her tears, and then desperately wanted to share the happy news with Nan Rong Huaian.

Nan Rong Huai'an is also in the Supreme Ward.

Although he is training every day, Nan Rong Huai An has many things to do every day. Regarding national affairs, he has to let his subordinates report to him without any detail.

He didn't want to make Suffi so hard, so he wanted to do more to ease Sufi's burden.

There is also the matter of the Nan Rong family, he also has to worry about.

He wants to make Nan Rong's family stronger, so as to become Feng Sufei's strongest backing.

Because I love, I really want to do something for the other person.

Nan Rong Huai An also really understood what love was when facing Feng Su Fei.

In order to feel the affection in my heart.

He was still in a video conference with senior family members.

But just when I heard footsteps, I almost knew Nan Rong Huai'an was the footsteps of Feng Sufei.

Because of love, he can sense all the breath of the other person.

Nan Rong Huaian quickly ended the video conference.

Although he raises his body, the person he most wants to see every day is Su Fei.

The seniors on the video conference level, the moment the young master said the conference was over, they all saw the gentle light flowing under his eyes.

You don't have to think about it, you can guess, it must be that the Queen has gone to Young Master's ward.

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