Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1778: It's different from Si Shenshen

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When saying this, Feng Sufei's look was very serious, with a bright light, her eyes were full of emotions.

The more she understood, the more she loved Nanrong Huaian.

This man really made her love and made her worship.

His ability is really great.

Nan Rong Huaian listened to Feng Sufei's words, his heart moved.

In fact, he can handle all the things for Su Fei, and he hopes that he can help Su Fe to solve all the troubles, only to make her carefree.

Sometimes she was too late to take care of her affairs.

He was distressed, but he also knew that Feng Sufei had her scruples in her heart.

When Feng Sufei was Dongfangyan, she was killed and her deep trust in Si made her instinctively vigilant!

So Nan Rong Huaian would like to help Feng Sufei deal with everything, but he will try to avoid important political matters.

It was also last night that he was so distressed by Su Fei that he couldn't help but looked at it.

But he was not reviewing it, just writing the point.

"Sophie ..."

Nan Rong Huaian moved his throat and didn't know what to say.

He gave Su Fei a serious look, sighed in his heart, and said, "Su Fei, I can't see you so tired, so I looked at these documents."

"Huai'an, your ability is above me!"

Nan Rong Huai An was afraid of what Su Sufei had misunderstood, and he said carefully: "Su Fei, can you trust me?"

Feng Sufei didn't know why Nan Rong Huai'an asked this sentence. She tilted her head and said, "Hua'an, if I don't believe you, I won't be with you."

Hearing Feng Sufei's words, Nan Rong Huai'an's arm was hard. "Su Fei, believe me, I won't hurt you if I hurt myself."

"Why so serious."

Feng Sufei's eyes seemed to know what he was thinking.

Now when Nan Rong Huai'an looks at her, she won't hide anything from her, and will let her see what he is thinking through her eyes.

It was different from his deep, unrecognizable mood.

Feng Sufei pursed her lips and said, "Huai'an, I know you and Si are very different."

Thinking of Si Jueshen, Feng Sufei's look changed.

She hated Si Jueshen in the earliest time. She hated killing Si Jueshen.

But then when she knew everything that happened, she suddenly felt a little stunned.

Si Jue Shen is also a poor man.

Perhaps because she knew he was dead, her hatred was gone.

Besides, the forces that want to kill her and want to destroy the country h are actually a building of residual blood!

In fact, Si Jueshen is a person who Nan Rong Huai An and Feng Su Fei have always avoided mentioning.

For Feng Sufei, knowing that Dongfang Yan's death was not ordered by Si Jingshen.

Knowing that Si Jue Shen was also used, she also occasionally thought that Si Jue Shen had treated her well at first.

At a time when everyone was afraid of her queen, he at least gave her a love, although it was false, but it felt good to be petted.

Especially at that time, the girl was in love and wanted to fall in love.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked at Feng Sufei's complexion and knew that she remembered the company deeply.

Nan Rong Huai'an's heart stung.

He knew that if they hadn't avoided it, he could have been with Su Fei at that time and loved her.

However, at that time, he would not know that today he would love this queen so much.

So now it's no use for his heart to tingle again, he can only hold Sufi tighter.

"Do you remember him?"

Feng Sufei shook her head. "He's all dead, it's all past people."

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