Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei said, giggling.

In fact, Nan Rong Huai An is now beside her, and she is really happy.

And home with Nan Rong Huaian.

This feeling Feng Sufei can't describe, but her heart is warm and comfortable, and she has a relaxed feeling.

There was no sense of loneliness, because Nan Rong Huai An was with her.

Feng Sufei is the kind of woman who doesn't consider other people when she loves, so when she talks, she looks at Nan Rong Huai'an with bright and bright light in her eyes.

Such a light, like the sun, hit the heart of Nanrong Huaian.

Waves of waves rushed out of his mind and rolled away.

Nan Rong Huai'an was heartbroken and moved.

Such a Sufi makes him only love deeper.

Nan Rong Huai'an no longer concealed his feelings and hugged Feng Sufei hard. "Sufei, I'm sorry before, and thank you."

Feng Sufei said, "Thank you again."

"Okay, don't say."

Nan Rong Huaian's voice was dull, and then with a strong arm, he lowered his head, then raised Feng Sufei's chin and kissed it.

The reporter then continued to take pictures.

Nan Rong Huai An did not let go, kissing Feng Sufei deeply, very hard, as if to express his emotions.

Feng Sufei did not expect Nan Rong Huaian to suddenly ...

After a while, her body softened, "Huai ... Huian ..."

Feng Sufei was a little breathless and unstable.

Nan Rong Huaian hugged Feng Sufei in a hug.

Feng Sufei conditionedly embraced Nanrong Huaian's neck, "Huai'an ..."

After getting in the car, Nan Rong Huai'an directly opened the glass wall in the middle, then hugged Feng Sufei and kissed deeply.

All the way to the airport, Nan Rong Huai'an took Feng Sufei out of the car and hugged her into the plane.

Fortunately, no one saw it at the airport.

When boarding the plane, Feng Sufei both stunned Nan Rong Huai'an, "I blame you, I have no energy right now."

A kiss from Nan Rong Huaian was too long and lingering. She couldn't breathe and her body was weak.

Nan Rong Huai'an likes to look at Feng Sufei so coquettishly, she tenderly makes his heart very soft, he just wants to take care of her like this.

"Oh, sleep for a while, you'll regain your strength. When you reach the Empire, I call you."

Speaking of the word Empire, Feng Sufei was agitated, and her whole body seemed to have strength.

She sat up from her arms in Huai'an, Nanrong, and looked out of the plane's window, seeing clouds and fog.

"Sleep for a while."

Feng Sufei shook her head, "I can't sleep."

She thought of her sister and was about to see her soon. She was very excited.

Feng Sufei thought of many scenes with her sister as a child.

Thinking of the protection of her sister when she was at Fengquan in Beiquan.

At that time, every time the old lady wanted to do something, her sister hugged her and guarded her, blocking her from the whipping.

But at that time she was stupid, she knew little and could not protect her sister.

Now she has the ability to do many things for her sister.

Thinking of her sister, Feng Sufei's eyes were red.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked at Feng Sufei like this and was very distressed, but he didn't know what he could do for her.

Similarly, Nan Rong Huaian's heart was also very tense.

Su Fei cares about her sister so much. What if her sister objected to him being with Su Fei?

Nan Rong Huai'an's heart trembled and began to tremble.

He can calm down in everything, but now he can't be calm in the face of things related to Feng Sufei.

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