Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Before waiting for Feng Sujin to explore anything, Jun Mohan has turned over and pressed Feng Sujin, holding her firmly in her arms.

Feng Sujin was dizzy and had not waited for a respite before being taken away by Jun Mohan.


Jun Mohan seems gentle, but very domineering, with a sense of soul capture.

He was very hard, and he followed Feng Sujin very tightly, without any gap.

Feng Sujin shuddered all over her skin.

She didn't know if it was the reason for a bit of wine, she just felt her body was particularly sensitive, sensational, and numb.

It's empty, she doesn't know what to catch.

Jun Mohan didn't seem to give her time to think at all, just snatched her breath, all her breath.

Jun Mohan's hands, lips, lighted, will not stop.

Feng Sujin was completely softened into water, her eyelashes were trembling lightly, and her tears of excitement were touching, making people couldn't help loving her.

"Mo Han ..."

"Do you want to?"

Feng Sujin was completely blank, and the wine seemed to be pouring in. She could only say by instinct: "Well, think."

She nodded vigorously.

Feng Sujin's ignorant look really delighted Jun Mohan and made him all smile slightly.

The sound is very light and low-alcoholic.

Feng Sujin blinked and looked at Jun Mohan, she only felt that Jun Mohan was different from before.

Temperament is different.

In the past, he was peerless and charming, with a charming and elegant atmosphere, but a picturesque feeling.

But Jun Mohan at this time, gave her a charming feeling, lazy charm, dark monsters in the night, people can not even parry.

His voice was hoarse and soft, and the tickling heart tickled, and she wanted to get closer.

"Good, what's wrong?"

"Like ..." Feng Sujin humorously said the word in Jun Mohan's ear.

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed her collarbone, choking, making Feng Sujin feel crispy all over her body.

Breathing, Feng Sujin seemed to hear a few words, "Give you only yang ..."

These four words are stronger than any provocation, making Feng Sujin's heart jump out.

Feng Sujin's green silk was approved on the pillow.

Jun Mohan pulled down her bathrobe and exposed her snow skin directly.

Jun Mohan's eyes were darker, the light was dim, and he wanted to devour everything.

Although Jun Mohan controlled himself, in the end he was out of control.

The affection and flame he ignited was too deep and too thick for people to resist.

Jun Mohan continued to frantically wind in Feng Sujin ...

He only has his wife in his eyes, he is really out of control ...

Feng Sujin later collapsed, she wanted to rest, "Tired, rest ..."

"Not enough, not enough ..."

Jun Mohan was completely out of control, as if he were demonized, not what Feng Sujin said was what it was.

At the beginning Feng Sujin had the final say, and Jun Mohan didn't say the end, he would continue.

Feng Sujin felt that her heart was about to jump out. She breathed in a big mouth, and she didn't have the strength to avoid it. Every time she tried to escape, Jun Mohan could take her into her arms and hold her tightly.

"No, don't ..."

"Good, obedient, we want a child ..."

The child's words were heard by Feng Sujin, so she began to cooperate with Jun Mohan.

At last Feng Sujin fell asleep, Jun Mohan looked down at her, and the red and blue light flashed under his eyes. There was really a feeling of darkness swallowing everything.

Jun Mohan looked down at his hands and rubbed his eyebrows. The strength in his body was sometimes really difficult to control.

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