Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin pondered for a while, and banged her finger on the desktop. "So, our mother must be an extraordinary person. We can check her mother's life and where she came from when she was young.

"It's not easy to check after all these years."

The two men said, suddenly looking at each other, they saw a meaning in each other's eyes, "Go to the home when you were young, you may find nothing."


Both sisters are activists, especially with regard to their parents. They are very active.

Jun Mohan will accompany Feng Sujin to Beiquan City, but now that everything is on track, Jun Mohan has just ascended the throne, and there are still many things to arrange. Feng Sujin didn't let Jun Mohan follow, she and her sister were perfectly fine.

But this time, Nan Rong Huai'an naturally wanted to accompany Feng Sufei.

This is his first visit to the Empire and he has never been to Beiquan City. He actually wanted to see the place where Feng Sufei lived before.

Although he knew that Feng Sufei used to be Dongfangyan, he also knew that Feng Sufei was also Feng Sufei, but it was only the soul separation before.

As long as it is related to Feng Sufei, he wants to see it. Maybe in this way, he will feel very close to her and participate in her past.

Because of Nan Rong Huai'an and Feng Sufei, Jun Mohan was also relieved.

Moreover, the security of Beiquan City has always been guaranteed. It is the city he once governed, and it is also a city that is completely loyal to Feng Sujin.

But even so, Jun Mohan mobilized some shadow guards to protect Feng Sujin secretly.

Come back to the village with a different mood.

Everything in the village has remained the same.

The home they used to live in is still the same.

Feng Sufei couldn't sit still in the car, and the whole person was excited.

The car was slowly driving on the once-traveled road. Feng Sufei looked at the street and the fields on both sides.

She seemed to think of something. She pulled Feng Sujin's hand and said, "Sister, do you remember? I remember here. At that time, you took my hand and we went home. We met our brother-in-law's car. He At that time, the power-holder of Beiquan City came to the countryside for inspection, and the parking stopped us all the way ... "

Feng Sujin thought that time, she smiled tenderly, a kind of contented smile.

When she came to Beiquan City, there was a scent of Jun Mohan everywhere. When she came out, she missed him.

"Sister, are you thinking of your brother-in-law?"

Feng Sujin was not embarrassed, she nodded, and sighed with sighing: "At that time, I was really desperate. If it were not for you and my father, I might not be able to live, I At that time, I did n’t know what to do, I was confused, I did n’t know what I was living for, but I did n’t know, that ’s how Jun Mohan saved me and saved my father. ”

Feng Sufei hurriedly said: "It has also saved me. If my brother-in-law hadn't arranged me to that training school, I might not have my soul merged so soon."

So to Feng Sufei, Jun Mohan is her sister's lover, a family and a benefactor.

She knew that at that time, her sister was very shy, and her sister would secretly cry at night.

"Sister, it's over, we must live well."

"Well, stay alive and we will find our father."


Nan Rong Huai An listened to the conversation between the two sisters along the way, and the hand holding the steering wheel tightened. He was distressed. He never knew that Feng Sufei had suffered a lot before. It turned out that her sister did So much and paid so much.

No wonder the sisters are so deep.

He just knew her information before, but didn't know the details.

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