Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Nan Rong Huaian said these words, his heart was not calm.

The Nan Rong family is a family with a heritage of thousands of years, so he has been involved in some ancient books. There are only a few of them in the ancient books.

These are legendary things, but I didn't expect to see them here.

He was also shocked.

Feng Sufei's tongue turned, "Spirit ... Spirit?"

What is so special in this world?

Isn't this something in the legendary mythical world?

Something spiritual?

But Feng Sufei had to believe what Nan Rong Huai'an said, because it was such a thing in front of her eyes that the bracelets couldn't be taken off. And the bracelet has a warm feeling, like a particularly good jade, can warm people.

It feels very comfortable to wear.

It ’s still winter in the yard, but it ’s cold in the yard, but after wearing the bracelet, it seems to be warm.

Feng Sufei looked at the bracelet and felt very fond of it.

After Feng Sujin put on the bracelet, she had a sharp pain in her head, dizzy, and her head seemed to explode, and something was coming out with the memory.

She had a little girl in her mind, a girl who was a few years old holding a doll, as delicate as a little princess, but she didn't have a smile on her face.

When Feng Sujin flashed the image in her head, her head hurt and she had a severe pain.

She distressed the little girl.

She also saw someone taking the blood of the little girl.

The little girl hurts, but it feels numb.

When Feng Sujin flashed the image in her head, her painful body twitched. She crouched down and covered her head. "Ah ..." began to scream.

Feng Sufei was startled. "Sister, sister, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?"

Feng Sujin seemed to be unable to hear outside sounds, and her head was about to explode. She seemed to be hurt by the little girl.

She knew faintly that this was the part of her memory lost after hours, the memory before eight years old.

Is that so?

This pain is all for the blood, for her blood ... The little girl is very thin, even though she wears delicately outside, but many of the wounds on her body are drawn with needles and wounds, especially on the arm.

She didn't seem to know it hurt.

Feng Sufei has never seen her sister like this.

So when she saw her sister yelling in such pain, she didn't know what to do in a hurry.

She hugged Feng Sujin, "Sister, what happened to you, what happened?"

The scene changed in Feng Sujin's mind. A little boy appeared next to the little girl. She rescued the little boy with blood. The little boy accompanied her for a few days ... He was her only friend and the only warmth.

"Brother Han ..."

Later, the little boy left. She chased the car and kept running. On rainy days, she fell to the ground and cried.

The scene flashed. Later, she seemed to have no idea how to come out from that devil-like place.

She seemed to have grown up. She followed a boy who took care of her and was very gentle towards her, always coaxing her.

She likes sticking to him and calling him, "Brother Han ..."

Feng Sujin murmured, "Brother Han ..."

She seemed to be completely enchanted.

Feng Sufei's name doesn't work.

When she heard a murmur in her mouth, Feng Sufei thought, wasn't that Jun Mohan?

Sister called him brother Han?

Feng Sufei didn't want anything else. She was afraid that her sister would collapse like this, and she hurried to call Jun Mohan.

"Brother, come over here, my sister doesn't know what's going on, looks very painful, keeps calling your name ..."

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