Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1834: Warm-hearted little girl

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan's mouth was really painful and calm, and his throat rolled a few times before he finally found his voice, "A Jin, it's me, I'm here, it's me ..."

"It hurts, brother Han ..."

Hearing this appellation, Jun Mohan shook his body, and his eyes passed a cold light.

Those who hurt Su Jin at the time, those who were ruthless for her blood ...

At this moment of Jun Mohan, there was a dark breath on his body, and he wanted to kill all those people.

But no, once they act, those people will inevitably know the existence of Feng Sujin.

In order to protect her, he all put up.

And those memories are too painful, he never wanted Feng Sujin to remember everything before the age of eight.

Jun Mohan looked down at some blue light on Feng Sujin's forehead. He knew that the seal would be lifted one day, and the memories belonging to Feng Sujin would return.

This is what Jun Mohan is worried about.

But memory cannot be sealed forever.

Jun Mohan hugged Feng Sujin, and constantly distressed her.

In her ears, she kept saying, "A Jin, it's me, it's your brother Han, don't think about it, we are now in the empire, the imperial capital, don't you want children, don't think about those ..."

"Think about father, mother, sister, and imperial capital, and many people you know ..."

Jun Mohan continued to induce Feng Sujin to extract memories from those and return to reality.

When Feng Sujin was in pain, she actually couldn't accept any message, that is, Jun Mohan's voice, so that Feng Sujin could gradually listen to it.

Feng Sujin just felt that she was caught in a dark and painful memory. She didn't want to think about it, but her mind was full of such scenes.

Her only warmth is Han brother.

The only warmth in that memory was him.

So she can only shout constantly, as if calling her brother Han, she can be rescued.

Just when she was in pain, the sound of natural sounds sounded in her mind, with a familiar atmosphere, a familiar voice, so warm, and illuminated the darkness like the same sun.

Feng Sujin gradually looked back, and she followed the sunshine.

Her eyelashes fluttered and her hollow eyes gradually focused.

When she saw Jun Mohan in front of her eyes, Feng Sujin burst into tears with excitement, "Mo Han, you are my brother Han, you are ..."

A suffocation in Jun Mohan's heartache, he gently touched Feng Sujin's hair, then wiped her tears, and said husky: "It's me, it's always me."

When saying this, Jun Mohan's eyes were red.

In fact, everyone thought it was Feng Sujin who he loved in Beiquan City.

He himself knew that when he was a teenager, when he met such a warm little girl, his heart was lost.

At that time, he was dying of injuries, and he would not have survived without her blood.

He knew that Feng Sujin had suffered too much, and he just wanted to treat her better and better.

He never mentioned anything about his past childhood.

He was also afraid of Feng Sujin remembering.

Feng Sujin asked before, and maybe dreaming about something related to her childhood, he would say a few words.

But at this moment, Jun Mohan understood that Feng Sujin's memory had many scenes.

Feng Sujin did know before, they knew each other since childhood.

But she had little memory before the age of eight, but at this moment, even if the memory is a bit vague, she knows a lot.

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