Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan mused: "I can only find a way to make her quickly sober. There is evil in this world and there must be light and restraint. The Witch does not exist. Even if it can exist, it will not be found in a short time, and we do not have much time Now. "

Previously, Jun Mohan arranged for a thief to be arrested in the hometown of Feng Sujin, Beiquan City.

This is not an ordinary thief, this thief is a shadow guard dead, in order to find the things hidden in Feng Sujin's house.

Why didn't these people go before?

This shows that Feng Sujin's parents are likely to have fallen into the hands of some people and were forced to ask what news came.

In other words, what the enemy knows will focus on Feng Sujin's parents or sister Feng Sujin.

Therefore, the internal information of Canxuelou must be known as soon as possible.

When Song Qiuyin broke the rope, Jun Mohan stepped forward as quickly as the shadow of a wind, pointed out, and clicked on an acupoint.

The powerful strength made Song Qiuyin's body suddenly weakened, and she was going to go mad. She just fell down on the chair and turned pale.

There was a look of horror on her face.

The speed of Jun Mohan kept a few people in attendance from returning.

Having been with Jun Mohan for so long, the two have already formed a tacit understanding.

Taking advantage of Song Qiuyin's weakness, Feng Sujin hurried forward and said, "Qiu Yin, it's me, I'm Feng Sujin, don't be afraid, you've come out of the Residual Blood Tower, you are safe ..."

"Think of Lan Beichen, and Liu Shiya, who forced your Song family out of Beiquan City. Liu Shiya is dead. Do n’t worry, Beiquan City is safe now, and your Song family ’s old house is still there. , You can go home, go home and see ... "

"Also in high school, you still remember that I was reluctant to eat vegetables at that time, it was you who had an extra meal and deliberately said that I could not eat it, let me eat ..."


Feng Sujin talked about something that could inspire Song Qiuyin's memories, and let her return to the actual thinking.

Feng Sujin said a lot.

In fact, when she was talking, Feng Sujin also had a lot of feelings. It turned out that she and Song Qiuyin really had a good time in high school and were good girlfriends.

It was only that Song Qiuyin later changed, or because she had a marriage contract with Feng Sujin and Lan Beichen, Song Qiuyin also liked Lan Beichen, so she was angry and jealous and therefore she targeted her.

Actually speaking, Song Qiuyin didn't do too much to her.

To her current position, she has a broad vision and her heart has a greater tolerance.

Seeing Song Qiuyin in particular, she still couldn't bear it after all.

There are too many old people in Beiquan City. She actually doesn't want to let those friends and relatives die.

The warmth that once existed in Song Qiuyin's memory gradually made Song Qiuyin think a little bit.

Her empty eyes with evil spirits slowly recovered a trace of clarity. She looked at the person in front of her, and was instantly excited, but couldn't believe it, "Su Jin?"

Feng Sujin smiled and nodded, "Well, it's me."

She can still remember her, yes.

The moment she saw Feng Sujin, Song Qiuyin burst into tears, almost crying.

She grasped Feng Sujin's hands and said, "Su Jin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I used to bastard, I'm sorry for you ..."

Looking at Song Qiuyin who was in distress all of a sudden, Feng Sujin was almost stunned.

What happened to Song Qiuyin all of a sudden?

When she was farewell to Song Qiuyin in Beiquan City, she gave her some money, and she did not look like this.

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