Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin stayed in the elevator for a long time and was upset.

She forgot to press the elevator button.

So is this the ancestral home of the Nalandans? Nalan family?

A word difference?

The Naland family is a branch of the Naland family and resides in the normal world.

The ancestral land is the Naland family that crosses the continent. Nalan Yun halal took a short time to become the owner of the ancestral land.

Even Feng Sujin was a bit shocked and had to admire Nalan Yunqing's ability.

What Feng Sujin didn't know was that Nalan Yunqing became the head of the Nalan family regardless of her life.

Only because of being a homeowner can you have contact with the temple and have the best family resources and strength.

He didn't know that Feng Sujin was still alive.

He also thought that the blue phoenix of the temple fell, and he wanted to find a soul for Feng Sujin.

It is also that Nalan Yunqing has been busy competing for the title of the family before, and has not paid attention to the news of the Chinese mainland.

The news here is also closed and has no communication with the outside world, so it is not easy to get the news.

Nalan Yunqing also just became a homeowner, just came out, and connected with people in the restaurant, ready to let people explore the news in mainland China.

After he became the head of the family, he arranged a lot of the family's news network for the purpose of gathering souls.

After thinking that Feng Sujin was dead, Nalan Yunqing never smiled again.

He has always had such a pain in his heart, and blame himself.

Every time, he would remember the words that Feng Sujin said when she was in the moat, as well as the way she would never jump the moat.

Each time, Nalan Yunqing had an urge to kill himself.

At this moment, he stood in place, looking at the empty restaurant hall, his expression gaunt.

Just now, is he an illusion?

He even thought it was the breath of Feng Sujin.

He thinks he's a magic barrier!

Nalan Yun shook her head, her face with a bitter arc.

At first, it was him who couldn't help Feng Sujin.

Since college, in order to cheat him Xia Sixuan, he has hurt those who really saved him.

At that time, how could he be cruel, distrusting Feng Sujin so cruelly, or even knowing she was fired, even if he knew she was fired, but ignored it.

And later ...

He also condoned Xia Sixuan hurt Feng Sujin.

Although that was done by Xia Sixuan, it was also because of him.

He couldn't forget what she said that day on the moat.

It's so clear now that he shouts in his heart almost every day, and in his heart he silently said to Feng Sujin, I'm sorry.

As long as she can rescue Feng Sujin, as long as she can forgive him, he will not hesitate to lose this life.

It is said that his heart is deep. In fact, since the day Feng Sujin jumped into the moat, Nalan Yunqing could not find his heart.

"Naland homeowner? Naland homeowner?"

Nalan Yunqing stood there for a long time, until the restaurant staff asked him to remind him, and then he moved towards the side.

The staff member waited carefully and respectfully for Nalan Yunqing, looking at this person's complexion, he did not dare to say anything casually.

But he was also very smart, and quickly switched the topic: "It's also very interesting to say, a woman who came to the restaurant today seems to be waiting for Canxuelou to pick up people. It looks shabby and incompetent. When the lady who just killed the Li family, others couldn't see it. "

Nalan Yunqing stepped, his eyes flashed, "Oh? You killed the Li family?"

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