Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Because in the empire, Jun Mo cold wind Su Jin trained.

Therefore, Feng Sujin's potential has already been stimulated, and the speed is very fast.

Her figure moved quickly and headed towards Li's mansion.

From the moment she killed Li Ruping, she was ready to take action against the Li family.

At the beginning of Song Qiuyin's introduction of the vertical and horizontal cities of the mainland, Jun Mohan had given her detailed information about the major families and many people here, as well as the map.

In the days when she stepped up her training, Jun Mohan provided her with a very detailed document, and now it comes in handy.

Feng Sujin almost didn't have to think about it, just went to the Li family according to the route in her head.

Feng Sujin saw the Li's mansion not far away, as if familiar with the road, jumped up, entered through the wall, ears keenly listened to all the wind and movement, and then sensitively avoided all the alerts and shadows guard.

In fact, most people in the Li family have been angered by the Li family's owner, so it is relatively easy for Feng Sujin to move the Li family.

Feng Sujin has her own principle, she will not kill innocent people.

But she would not hesitate to kill the Li family.

Because the people in the Li family really don't have a clean one.

Feng Sujin moved quickly in the Li family, while avoiding the authorities, the silver needle in his hand flew, and several people secretly fell to the ground.

Today, Feng Sujin can be used for many purposes, and God can solve a group of people unconsciously.

Mainly, a high-grade poison was hardened on her silver needle.

She was smelted by Yundao's unique poison, Yuexin and Ran Qiulan.

So a needle flew out, absolutely no false hair.

Quietly, when the power and speed reach a certain level, it is more useful than a gun.

Because guns are used, it is impossible to make no sound when firing bullets.

In this way, Feng Sujin broke into the inner courtyard from the periphery of the Li family, and then went to the secret room of the Li family study. This is the most critical place.

Jun Mohan has been protecting Feng Sujin in the dark.

He was very relieved to see that his family Jin was so powerful.

Only when he felt the wind coming from a distance, followed by a strong coercion.

Jun Mohan saw the shadow from a distance. If he feels right, this should be the elder-level figure in the Li family.

Jun Mohan left the place quickly and decided to move the tiger away from the mountain and settle the elder, otherwise Feng Sujin would be a threat.

However, Jun Mohan also transferred Jun Ying over, secretly protecting Feng Sujin.

In any case, he was not assured that Feng Sujin was alone.

When she went to the Residual Blood Tower, he couldn't follow, but outside, he could protect her and never let her take the risk alone.

Even silent protection is a kind of psychological comfort.

Feng Sujin directly avoided all the shadow guards, avoided all the organ formation methods, and entered the secret room of the study.

Half an hour later, Feng Sujin hijacked the Li family's wife, ransacking the treasures of the Li family, and left the Li family.

Then, the Li family was directly burned by a fire.

Jun Ying silently looked at everything the queen did, and Rao was also pulling his face.

I've seen powerful people, I've never seen such a powerful one to the queen, and in such a period of time, a Li family has been destroyed, and there is no need for him to do anything. Feng Sujin directly hijacked Mrs. Li towards the restaurant.

"Excuse me, let me go, I ... I don't want to die ..."

Mrs. Li has been scared of this woman's cruel means.

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