Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The two young women were a bit envious of this woman named Wang Su. They had spent a lot of time before killing so many opponents before they stood where they are now. It took a long time!

This one called Wang Su also had the ability to destroy Li's house all of a sudden. He was optimistic about Deacon Zhao and brought it directly to the outer building. How much time was saved!

And in the future there is asylum of Deacon Zhao.

However, Canxuelou has always been a place to look at abilities, and it is also Wang Suzhen who has the ability. Most people do n’t have that mind and the abilities have destroyed the Li family!

Just statistics, this day, that Miss Li had killed two women who were coming to Canxuelou!

The deacon Zhao is from the Zhao family. The Zhao family and the Li family are feudal. However, the Li family is arrogant and strong, and the Li family does have some backstage, and there are other large families in the vertical city. Consider a lot.

Today, Wang Su's destruction of the Li family is really beyond everyone's expectations.

But at the same time, the Zhao family thanked Wang Su from the heart.

Deacon Zhao is a deacon in the outer building and has certain powers.

If it wasn't for the Li family in the inner building, she would have entered the inner building long ago, but she was kept under pressure.

That man is now out of the office and the Li family is gone. She is not afraid of anything. Now she looks at the Wang Su in front of her.

No humbleness, no highness, clear eyes, and the fact that she had destroyed the Li family before, made Deacon Zhao think she was a plastic.

Feng Sujin also did not twiddle, and issued a decree on the Blood Tower, "Thank you Deacon Zhao."

In this way, Deacon Zhao took Feng Sujin to the Residual Blood Tower in advance.

After the pedestrians left, Jun Mohan came out.

He looked in the direction of the window, and his eyes passed through a complex light, a little lonely and sad.

He will miss A Jin.

There are more worries in my heart.


Feng Sujin worked hard to remember all circumstances along the way.

The main building of Canxue Building is indeed in this valley, but there are really beast poisonous insects, various organs, and poisonous pupa ...

very many.

Layer after layer.

If it were not led by many people, they would really die outside if they broke through.

After passing through the barriers, Deacon Zhao took Feng Sujin into the outer building of Canxue Building.

The residual blood building is divided into outer building and inner building.

The inner building is the elite and can perform tasks, and the outer building is the place to kill. Only those who have been selected through layers and killed afterwards can enter the inner building.

But the environment here is really good, if you ignore the killings and blood.

There are small buildings, training grounds, and many resource warehouses.

However, there are people guarding everywhere, and there are cameras and sensor lines in the places not guarding.

There is also a forbidden area, and people beside the forbidden area must never enter.

Feng Sujin tried to remember what Deacon Zhao said.

Deacon Zhao is still OK with her, showing Feng Sujin all the rules in the Residual Blood Building, let Feng Sujin remember in advance.

She is very optimistic about Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin has the ability to never forget, she remembered everything she should remember.

But forbidden? The more forbidden the place, the more she has to break through.

And she came here to save her mother, so she has to enter the inner building as fast as possible.

According to these manuals given to her by Deacon Zhao, if she wants to enter the inner building as soon as possible, she must make a name for herself in the outer building and convince everyone to take it orally.

Feng Sujin's eyes narrowed, and he finally decided to set up the platform to kill the Quartet.

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