Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was really touched by Miao Shenxu's words.

She knows how much control is needed to face the enemy and not kill!

Feng Sujin reached out and patted Miao Shenxu's shoulder.

Miao Shenxu tried to smile at Feng Sujin, but couldn't smile.

To this day, she still remembers the death of her parents. She has to endure all this since she was a child. She has continued to train and learn all the abilities of Miao Du to teach.

But she was really happy to know Uncle Feng and friends like Feng Sujin.

If it weren't for Feng Sujin, she might not even know that the landlord was the enemy she was looking for.

Feng Sujin was very distressed by Miao Shenxu, and she said, "Relax, you have been questioned. After you have all the information, let you kill her."

Miao Shenxu said: "The poison I put on her is enough for her pain."

"I'll kill you."

The two women would look at each other with a real smile, as if they had resolved all of this and could breathe a sigh of relief.

The follow-up here was handed over to the person brought by Jun Mohan.

At dawn, Feng Sujin and Miao Shenxu, as well as Qiao Liuhua, He Dongyan, and others left the Residual Blood Tower together.

At this time, the blood tower was really filled with blood ...

In a village under the mountain somewhere in the vertical.

In a house, Feng Sujin and Miao Shenxu stayed here, as well as their father and mother.

The mother's physical condition is very serious.

I have been drowsy and unconscious, but fortunately I still have breathing, and there is no danger to my life.

Jun Mohan called Qiu Wenyu and Yuewuxin, Ran Qiulan and Lu Yunchuan to treat her mother.

The situation is really complicated.

Feng Sujin and others are waiting in another place.

In fact, Qiao Liuhua was really impressed. Feng Sujin was so powerful.

Even if she is a ghost, she has to admire Feng Sujin's ability.

The three of He Dongyan were also a little silent. In fact, what they were most grateful for was that they first met such a woman and took them away from the place like Canxuelou. Can they live like normal people in the future?

But the world is big, they don't know where to go, the original family ... maybe they can't go back.

The three of them looked at each other and saw a firm light in each other's eyes, and they were going to follow Feng Sujin in the future.

Of course, she used to be a pseudonym Wang Su, but now everyone knows she is Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin has been waiting to know her mother's physical condition, but she can't stand the anxiety.

Even when Jun Mohan came out to comfort her, she couldn't rest her mind.

"I'm going to question where Buxu Qing is being held."

When thinking of the sufferings of her mother and her mother now, Feng Sujin had an urge to kill.

If it wasn't for the Blood Remnant Building, if it weren't for this cloth, she and her parents wouldn't have to be separated from the beginning.

She and her sister will stay with their parents.

She could not forget the bitterness she had suffered later. Now the Canxue Building has been completely destroyed, which temporarily extinguished an anger and hatred in her blood, but she really wanted to kill that puyiqing.

Jun Mohan can fully understand Feng Sujin's mood. He looked at her uncomfortably, and he was not upset.

"Ajin, calm down first."

"Mo Han, I can't calm down, I really can't calm down."

Feng Sujin said with red eyes, in fact, the moment she saw her mother, she wanted to cry, and until now, her emotions have collapsed.

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