Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was taken aback by He Dongyan's sudden words. This is reserved, and where to start.

"Su Jin, we want to mingle with you, and now the Blood Remnant House is destroyed, we really have no place to go, rest assured, we must listen to your words, you let us go east, we absolutely go east, we will be loyal of."

He Dongyan really felt that there was no place to go. In fact, after knowing the dangers inside the Canxue Building, they were glad to be able to survive.

But after that, they didn't know where to go.

It is really difficult for them to stand on this continent.

And economically, they don't know what to do?

They were catalyzed by Canxuelou and didn't know what else to do.

At first, just to be able to survive, so entered the Canxue Building, now not only do they want to survive, but because they want to follow Feng Sujin from the bottom of their hearts.

I always feel that beside Feng Sujin, they all have a feeling of blood boiling from their hearts.

That was the **** life they wanted.

They want to find their own value, but they are not stupid, they know that it would be nice to follow Feng Sujin.

Moreover, Feng Sujin is equivalent to saving their lives, just for the sake of grace, they must also be loyal to Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin froze. She didn't expect He Dongyan to say so.

"Actually you are ..."

Feng Sujin had not found the appropriate wording, and He Dongyan knelt down.

"Let the Lord accept."

They are all called masters.

Feng Sujin was helpless. She hurriedly pulled up He Dongyan. "Actually, I just want to talk to you. You don't want to be so serious. When you were in the Residual Blood Tower, that way of getting along was good. sisters."

When He Dongyan heard this sentence, his eyes lit up, "We also want to be your sisters, and we also want to worship."

They naturally envy Qiao Liu painting, knowing that Qiao Liu painting and Feng Sujin worshiped their sisters, they also thought.

Feng Sujin couldn't refuse this meeting.

Really pulled them together to worship.

However, at the moment of worship, Feng Sujin came up with a good idea, that is, to rebuild her own power in the place of Canxuelou.

Belongs to the forces on the continent.

"Overlord Tower!"

Feng Sujin decided to be the name, domineering.

He Dongyan listened to Feng Sujin's thoughts, and her eyes were bright.

That being said, they really have a place to stay in the future.

Feng Sujin talked to He Dongyan: "You were the young lady of the same family, equivalent to the daughter of the ally. I do n’t know what you have experienced, but if you want revenge, after the expansion of Bawanglou, you can do What I want to do. "

Feng Sujin's words made He Dongyan really touched. If I wanted to say thank you, I couldn't speak for a while.

Feng Sujin handed over all the Overlord Tower to He Dongyan, Ning Banlei, Shen Huaiqiao, Qiao Liuhua, and Miao Shenxu to manage together.

She listed the plan of the Overlord Tower, she provided funds, and left them to other matters.

Because Qiao Liuhua and Miao Shenxu may return to their family in the future, it is He Dongyan, Ning Banlei, and Shen Huaiqiao who really sits in the overlord building.

In fact, the identities of Ning Banlei and Shen Huaiqiao are not ordinary, but Feng Sujin doesn't ask, she trusts them enough.

In fact, all this was also arranged by the owner of the North Building. At the beginning, she was first cultivated by Nong Ruolan, so she was the first person who wanted to train her in the North Building, and she chose uncommon disciples.

I just didn't expect that she would have to hide herself madly later, but the three people who stayed were indeed reliable and people who did not lose their nature.

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