Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

In fact, Feng Sujin is also happy in this process.

It is good to be able to bring everyone with positive power and to unite everyone.

In fact, these women have a good relationship, and the relationship between the major forces in the entire city can also be twisted together.

The more Feng Sujin wanted to brighten her eyes.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's bright eyes, and his eyes became darker.

He knew that Blue Phoenix was born with personality charm and had the power to turn things around.

She is the representative of holiness and beauty, she can shed light and love to the world.

Even if her seal is not lifted now, she is still using her strength to change everything around her.

Looking at Feng Sujin like this, Jun Mohan felt a sense of pride and comfort in his heart.

On this day, many heads of household and forces of the vertical city came to visit Wang Su.

Feng Sujin changed her glittering "upstart" costume this day.

It was changed into a smart and sturdy costume, and an air-conditioner went out.

When the time came, many family leaders and some high-level leaders began to appear in the meeting room prepared by Feng Sujin.

They sat down and waited. In fact, they were all nervous.

In fact, they were afraid and afraid of this Wang Su.

This woman is young and has such a strong ability to kill everyone.

Now, whoever they meet in the vertical city must not be respectful and respectful to this Wang Su.

They are the heads of the family, high-level influence.

If they dare to have any bad attitude towards Wang Su, the wives and daughters in the family will not show them faces.

They had recently been aggrieved enough. If they were thrown away again, they would lose face.

How can you be the owner at home?

But all this made them understand that Wang Su is not a simple woman.

Even when sitting in this conference room, everyone looked at each other with various expressions in their eyes.

The heads of two families who had been at odds with each other at this time saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

The two families have been fighting for so long, but within a few days, their wives and daughters are commensurate with each other's wives and sisters, and they go shopping together.

This ... this is ...

No matter what they say, they just don't listen.

They couldn't help but whisper and started whispering.

"Isn't this Wang Su really a monster?"

"It's possible that a person is so strong, you say, how did she make women like sisters like hatred."

"And ah, Canxuelou was destroyed by her. I think so, now you think about how long it took her to kill the people of the Li family. Oh, by the way, now Mrs. Li treats this Wang Su, Just like the girl-in-law who met the master, the diligent effort made people wonder, what was the virtue of this Mrs. Li before, and everyone did not know ... "


When everyone was whispering, Feng Sujin appeared in a fierce Wang Su dress, and she let out all the air, and she was full of posture.

When she glanced at all of them, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but get cold, and then dared not speak again.

Feng Sujin's mouth evoked a weird arc. "Good, everyone. I have received your invitations. I really do n’t have time to see them one by one. Let's meet together at this meeting. You can check the drawer first thing."

After a pause, Feng Sujin said: "It's like this, the new establishment of Bawanglou needs multi-party support. I hope everyone will work together!"

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