Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin looked at her mother very seriously and said, "So mother, I want to know a lot, I want to be stronger, I want to be able to protect you in the future, and I don't want you to suffer anymore."

It was the truth that Jun Mohan taught her, and it was her experience all the way, letting her understand that only strong enough can protect the people around her.

Forbearance does not work.

Because the enemy will not be merciful.

Nong Ruolan looked at Feng Sujin's eyes and sighed: "They are powerful you can't think of."

"Mother, no matter how strong, I believe I will fight for loved ones and love."

Feng Sujin looked at the strong look of Ruo Ruolan, knowing that things must not be simple, but she settled down, she experienced so much, she has trained a strongest heart, she can digest all News.

Looking at Feng Sujin, Nong Ruolan was very relieved.

Nong Ruolan was silent, and then sighed and said, "A long time ago, in ancient times, our planet actually had many continents, and many living beings existed. Later, I do n’t know how long, and What's going on, the creation **** divided the planetary continent, which is equivalent to folding, layer by layer, forming the Nine Levels. According to legend, we should now be the worlds. "

Having said this, Nong Ruolan paused. She felt that she had talked too much, and Feng Sujin might not be able to digest the news.

Feng Sujin listened to Nong Ruolan saying this, the whole person was shocked.

Rao is her psychological preparation, and never thought that the mainland would collapse to form a layer of space.

Feng Sujin stayed for a long while, calmly and calmly, and said, "Mother, does our world have nine levels of space?"

"No one knows the specific levels. According to what I know, there are two levels now. One level is where we are now, and the other level is where your family Feng's family is located."

Feng Sujin opened her mouth. "That is to say, the Feng family is not on this land, but on the second floor?"

Feng Sujin said, looking up at the sky outside the window, it was extremely blue. It was hard to imagine that there was still a layer of space above it, and there was still a family and other people living on it.

It was where her family was, and where she was as a child.

No wonder, it is impossible to find the Feng family in the whole world.

Even Jun Mohan couldn't find it recently, so it turned out.

"But when I was young, how did Jun Mohan appear there?"

"At that time, there was a passage between the last realm and the mortal realm, but no one can go in and out of the passage at random. After all, no matter where it is, we must abide by the rules, otherwise it will probably disappear silently throughout the world.

Feng Sujin can no longer use shock to describe the mood at this time.

"Mother, what about now?"

"In the beginning, your mother let you die to protect you. After leaving Feng's family, Master Jun Mohan took you and him back to the realm. Then your mother sealed the passage with the power of blood. People in the Feng family cannot come down to you from above. "

"But who pursued us when we were young?"

"That was when the seal was not completely sealed. The Feng family used the forces of loyalty from all walks of life to find and kill you, but after all of them were killed, no one knew you existed."

Speaking of this, Nong Ruolan sighed: "Actually, maybe you later forgot something before the age of eight, maybe it is related to your mother. It should be that she wants you to forget everything later and live a normal life."

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