Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

However, according to speculation, she felt that the power of swallowing blood beads would be controlled by Mr. Jun, and might be swallowed.

After hearing these words from Shen Huaiqiao, Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan, and could not help thinking of the change of that day.

Isn't Jun Mohan the same as the demon?

Feng Sujin thought of this possibility, and the whole body shivered.

Her family is so good, she has the power of a vein.

For example, his father is from Xuanjun.

Jun Mohan's mother, who also feels a holy power, how could it be the power of demons.

Feng Sujin thought, shaking his head constantly.

Although she thought it was possible subconsciously, she didn't want to believe it.

If she does not believe her husband, who would believe it.

Jun Mohan's expression moved, he looked at swallowing blood beads.

He pondered what Shen Huaiqiao said, and then felt many images flashed in his mind.

He thought, maybe he had the power of the dark demon.

Because he had just vomited blood, he didn't feel unwell, but felt that some power in the blood was increasing.

He was thinking, perhaps as Shen Huaiqiao said, he was instinctively swallowing the power of swallowing blood, and he could control the swallowing of blood.

Feng Sujin took a deep breath and said, "Mo Han, it's all right, I'll swallow the blood beads."

With that said, Feng Sujin went to swallow the blood beads, and her sudden movement made it too late for others to stop.

But when she encountered swallowing blood beads, Feng Sujin began to twitch and began to twitch.

A spit of blood spit out like this, and the blue mark on her forehead was looming.

This is the power of protection for Feng Sujin.

Swallowing blood beads could not swallow Feng Sujin's blood and could not nourish herself, so she attacked Feng Sujin directly.

Feng Sujin's body was attacked, but fortunately, Jun Mohan hugged her quickly and hurriedly to prevent her from being injured.

"Ajin, how are you doing?"

Feng Sujin breathed a few times, pressing down the **** smell in her throat. She shook her head and said bitterly, "It seems that you can control the swallowing of blood beads."

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin, reached out and gave her a pulse, and it was not a big deal, he was relieved.

However, when he looked at Feng Sujin, his eyes were a little deep. He stared at Feng Sujin's eyes, saying, "Ajin, if I really have the power of demons ..."

Feng Sujin heard this sentence, and quickly covered Jun Mohan's mouth with his hand and said, "You need not say, you are you, or my gentleman, will not change, you are evil, then I follow evil I won't distinguish between positive and evil. "

This is Feng Sujin's attitude. Without Jun Mohan's words, her attitude towards him will not change.

When Jun Mohan heard these words, his heart was touched, with a gentle light under his eyes, as if the light of water could drown people's hearts.

But if you look closely, you can see the sadness in his eyes.

Jun Mohan hid this sentiment very quickly and did not let Feng Sujin discover it.

"Let's go, it should not be far from where we are going."


To be honest, the four of them are actually showing their magical powers. In the Dark Forest, they can overcome many dangers and gradually head towards the center.

However, the closer I got in, the more I could feel the coldness of the Black Devil Forest. The coldness made people feel cold.

Qiao Liuhua was a little excited, "The legendary ancient country was the birthplace of civilization in ancient times."

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