Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was a bit tired before, just thinking about going home.

Then, after Jun Mohan went to the second level, Feng Sujin was actually not very good, but she was always supporting her. It was about to go home immediately, and she closed her eyes wearily on the plane.

But did not expect to encounter hijacking.

The other person was holding a tablet and seemed to be looking at a photo.

And the other side also held a gun to form a circle around Feng Sujin's position.

"That's her. You can't be wrong, Queen of the Empire! Or Queen of China."

Feng Sujin looked at these people on the plane. They were just like ordinary people one by one. Now, taking off their coats, it is exactly the posture of a group of bandits.

It turned out that these people were all on this plane. It was aimed at her!

It was also her intention that she thought it was an empire's plane and did not expect it to be in disguise.

However, Feng Sujin's expression was calm, and there was a slight arc in the corner of her mouth. Wouldn't these people really think that she could hit her in this way?

Nowadays, guns are really not weapons for her. When the ability and speed reach a certain level, the use of guns is very slow.

Even if these people surrounded Feng Sujin with a gun, Feng Sujin didn't change her face, she really didn't take it seriously.

These people were clearly targeted specifically at her.

Feng Sujin is a little tired now, and she is really lazy. She squinted her eyes. "Who are you? Now that you know my identity, you should know my ability and not let me go!"

After Feng Sujin's experience on the mainland, her ability and momentum have increased a lot. Now, even if she is sitting quietly, she has a temperament that is above all others.

And the coercion on her body slowly spread throughout the plane.

This momentum, such as the momentum of the superior, so that these people who hijack the face have changed.

They felt that this woman, if she did nothing, could crush them.

But they looked at Feng Sujin without any weapons, and they were still alone. This was a rare opportunity to kill her and abduct her.

And they had long killed and numbed, no matter what her identity was.

"We are Qujia people, you are no stranger to Qujia! Oh, you are now in our hands, we are going to kill you like crushing an ant, and you can't escape, but here on the plane. "

This threat is full of threats.


Qu Yaqin?

Feng Sujin is no stranger to nature. After the empire was calm, she went to have a meal with her husband and met such a wonderful Qu Yaqin.

He also had a righteous look to rob him of his family.

She was later beaten and detained.

It seems that Qu Yaqin can't be beaten now, and I don't know if it is life or death.

Anyway, her sister has been angry for her, and it is certainly not light.

For this sample person, Feng Sujin is no stranger.

At that time, Qu Yaqin also threatened the composer, huh!

But there are so many supporters behind her, and there should be a lot of people to check the songwriters later!

Are the Qujia people still alive?

Feng Sujin's mind flipped, and he said coldly, "Who are you, what are you doing for the musician?"

"We are the people of the Qujia, and we have long wanted to kill you."

"Message from Qu Yaqin?"

When these people do not speak, silence means recognition.

Feng Sujin didn't expect that Qu Yaqin was locked up and was about to die.

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