Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin sighed suddenly in her heart, "How can they return to the bottom of the sea and be normal?"

"Only if they really return to the bottom of the sea."

Feng Sujin was puzzled. "Will they just go back to the bottom of the ocean?"

Huan Yueyan was contemplative and didn't know how to explain this to Feng Sujin.

After thinking about it, Huan Yueyan said: "In ancient times, the Hailing pearl, the treasure of the Hai clan, was gone, and then the people of the Hai clan were massacred. Now even the Hai clan reappears. It's just a small number of people, and without Hai Lingzhu, they can't return to the sea at all, they can't return to normal. They are really very bitter, and only if they find Hai Lingzhu, maybe they will get better. "

Hearing the words Hai Lingzhu, Feng Sujin's head burst into a flash of light.

She remembered once again the words of the sea spirit beads, murals, and Qiao Liu paintings in the palace of the ancient country in the Black Demon Forest. She was looking for her sister, but in fact she was looking for Qiao Liu.

Gongxi Leng is the king of the sea tribe, and Qiao Liulian's painting is in the hands of Gongxi Leng.

She was very angry because when she was a ghost, she knew that Qiao Liuhua was hurt and abused.

But now seeing the Hai people so painful, her anger has also lightened.

She doesn't even care what the people of the Hai people do now.

She just wanted to rescue the person she wanted to save.

In fact, she could feel that all of this was connected.

Ancient nation, sea clan, today's ghost clan, sea spirit pearl, ghost heart ...

Qiao Liu painting also has the king of the sea tribe.

That Gongxi is cold ...


Feng Sujin closed her eyes, fixed her mind, opened her eyes again and said, "Why must it be Hai Lingzhu?"

She understood that in the ghost clan, the king of the sea clan Gongxi appeared cold and approached Qiao Liu's painting, just for that sea spirit pearl.

Otherwise, he wouldn't treat Qiao Liuhua like that because of things in ancient times.

Huan Yueyan said, "The Hailing Pearl is the treasure of the Hai people. To live normally on the sea floor, they need the power of the Hai Lingzhu to open the undersea channel again and build a new submarine palace. This is where the Hai people live. , Just like ... just like living in an environment where people need air and fish need water. "

After a pause, Magic Moon Yan continued: "Moreover, at the time of the earliest origin of the world, the sea submarine did not show up, and there was a sea spirit pearl.

It is the emergence of Hailing Pearl. With the king of the sea clan, these are the messages I see on our genealogy. "

Feng Sujin nodded, trying to digest the news.

After digesting the news, Feng Sujin asked: "You said, if Hai Lingzhu gave the king of the sea tribe, would they give up their enemies with humans when they returned to the bottom of the sea?"

"The people of the Hai tribe are very loyal to their king. They can only let go of the king of the sea tribe, but it is difficult for the king of the tribe to let go of hatred? After all, they were treated that way. You know what Qiao Liuhua has done. "

Listening to the words of Yueyue Yan, Feng Sujin thought about what she heard in the ghost clan. She sighed in her heart, distressed her sister, but didn't know where Qiao Liuhua is now.

She still has to find her sister quickly, ask the news here, and discuss ways.

Following the direction of the crystal ship, Feng Sujin and Huan Yueyan discovered many directions and discovered more and more oasis zones.

It is also found that many people are living and busy in various oasis zones.

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