Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

After a pause, Zhu Liqing said with sadness: "Did you know? The Hai people also gave humans a choice, that is, if humans do not obey the arrangements of the Hai people, they can use their own blood to add the Shanghai people. Medicine, drink to the other side, let the other side forget them, they can leave here, but to pass through the island of death, on the island of death, they will truly forget everything related to the monsters and animals, and they will also forget everything ... "

Listening to this, Nan Rong Huai'an's heart suddenly mentioned that forgetting that was the cruelest thing.

Nan Rong Huai'an looked at Zhu Liqing, "You ... You are alienated from the Queen of Oriental Yarn. It turned out that you wanted the Queen of Oriental Yarn to give you this medicine to make you forget her, and then she forgets you, you ... you How willing! "

Nan Rong Huai An shook his head. If it was him, he couldn't do it. Even if he died, he could not be separated from Su Fei, and he would not allow him to forget Su Fei himself.

If there is no love, what else can he insist on?

Without love, the heart is gone.

With love, you can be fearless, you can live, and you can feel the joy of life.

When Zhu Liqing heard Nan Rong Huaian's words, she looked pained and how she was willing.

He laughed bitterly at himself, "How to be reluctant, but looking at her so hard, once treasured in my hand, but working for me, suffering there, and fading away all the queens' auras, and again How to be reluctant ... so I would rather she leave here and regain her queen's identity and her honour. "

"In that case, the Queen of the East Shades would not be happy, would you be willing to forget her?"

Takeri clearly said with confidence: "I will not forget her. Those medicines will not work for me. I will find Saer when I solve it. I will accompany her and let her fall in love with me again. I just do n’t want to. Make her sad, don't want her to suffer ... "

There are too many emotions in Zhuliqing's heart, but some moods cannot be described with words and cannot be expressed.

Nan Rong Huai'an listened to Zhu Liqing's words and was silent.

He can feel the depth and greatness of this love, and for the other side, he can completely ignore his own feelings.

But Nanrong Huaian can understand.

He thought of what she looked like when she first came, and knew that she had tanned and lost weight to work, and his heartache was so painful, and now that heartache is still there.

One month and two months, maybe he can endure this kind of heartache, but after a long time, how can he be willing to let Su Fei continue to work?

So maybe he will also make choices like Zhu Liqing.

Just to let Su Fei leave this place.

Nan Rong Huaian was silent for a long time and said: "Su Fei and I just want to save you. If the key problem lies with You Daijia, we should discuss ways to solve these problems."

Zhuli looked at Nanrong Huai'an Road deeply: "I actually want you to take Su Fei and her mother out of here."

Nan Rong Huai'an shook his head. "It's not that simple. Su Fei won't leave, and the Queen of Oriental yarns will not leave. Su Fei just told me. The Queen of Oriental yarns feels contented to see you every time. You are here. , The Queen of Oriental Veil will also be here. "

Hearing this sentence, Zhu Liqing spit out blood, and her emotions were completely uncontrollable. "Sheer ... she's stupid ..."

This oriental yarn is the woman he loves the most. He has no fear of doing anything for the oriental yarn, and he doesn't feel pain even if his whole body is hurt.

Because he knew that his saree was beside him, and that was the power of love.

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