Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin is making plans here. She has to solve the Hai people's affairs and rescue Qiao Liuhua.

Because Feng Sujin determined that the human woman beside the King of the Sea was Qiao Liuhua.

After all, she's been to the Ghosts and knows what happened.

With Gongxi Leng's hatred mentality, he didn't know what to do to Qiao Liuhua.

Through hatred, she was really worried that Gong Xi Leng abused Qiao Liuhua.

But they can only wait for a while because they don't know where the King of the Sea is now.

They had to wait for him to appear here before they could act as planned.


the other side

Somewhere floating island

In a room

Qiao Liuhua was sitting on the sofa, looking calm, holding needlework in his hands to make children's clothes.

Her expression was calm and soft.

She was wearing a large dress, but her belly was still slightly raised.

She seemed to be tireless, making her clothes gentle.

She made a lot of small clothes, and children's hats ...

She doesn't know much about it. She just thinks, thinks, and thinks about what a child needs, and she does it.

These needles were brought to her by a relatively good Hai woman.

The Hai woman is called Hai Qiu. Maybe she is poor and takes care of her more.

I don't know if it was because the child in her stomach was the bone and blood of the king of the sea tribe.

Qiao Liuhua is actually satisfied because she has a loved one.

And even if she is really afraid of Gongxi Leng from her bones now, but she may also love Gongxi Leng deep inside, so she will love this child very much.

Even if Gongxi Leng is to take advantage of it, she will give all the love to her children.

It's been this long, and Gongxi Leng didn't say anything and didn't prepare anything.

It's just that her diet is better.

So what the child needs, she does it herself.

She wanted to be a small cradle, but she's not strong enough now to do those.

She can only make a little clothes like this, little gloves and hats ...

Qiao Liuhua was actually handy, and she embroidered herself on small clothes.

These were all she learned while she was a ghost.

At that time, she wanted to learn something to please Gongxi coldly.

At that time, she thought stupidly that Gongxi Leng liked her gifts, and now she knew that those gifts she gave were actually thrown away by Gongxi Leng.

She thought about her at that time, she was really stupid, but she didn't regret loving Gong Xi Leng.

But she didn't know that Gongxi Leng was the king of the Hai clan, and she didn't know that the ghost clan owed it to the Hai clan.

Qiao Liuhua thought of these, his eyes were red again.

She knows that she shouldn't have these sad emotions, she should be happy, and happy to the child.

She put her hand on her belly and took a deep breath, as if to communicate with her child: "It doesn't matter, now there is a baby with her mother."

And this is also Gong Xi cold child, she will love this child very much.

Thinking of the coldness of Gongxi, Qiao Liu drew a distraction, stuck the needle in his hand, and the pain was bleeding.

Qiao Liuhua came back to this.

When she faced Gong Xi cold, she was very contradictory.

She admits that she is now afraid of Gongxi Leng, but she occasionally remembers that when she was in the ghost family, when Gongxi Leng was gentle at first, she would miss it again.

Even when Meng Xilian approached her for another purpose at that time, in order to get revenge, but at that time he was gentle, but now he scares her.

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