Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Gong Xilian saw the scars of the needles, he felt his petrified heart moved.

He covered his heart with his hands, there seemed to be a different feeling there.

But his gaze fell on the fingers painted by Qiao Liu, and his brows tightened.

Qiao Liuhua could not understand the cold look of Gongxi now, and she could only pinch the small dress tightly with her hands.

Although this dress was made by her and was a bit rough, she poured a lot of love into it.

You made the clothes that day cut with scissors, which she made again after spending several days.

She doesn't know how to make clothes, so it takes longer.

Qiao Liuhua was very nervous and uncomfortable in his heart. He even felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

But she knew that she didn't feel bad when she cried, so tears could only flow to her heart.

When no one hurts you, you can only try to be strong and not let anyone see your vulnerability.

Even if Qiao Liuhua was aggrieved, even if she was worried that Gong Xilian would cut the clothes she was going to make, she was still supporting herself and couldn't cry to be strong.

Gong Xi looked at Qiao Liuhua's head and tried to protect his clothes, and said, "Don't make these clothes in the future, I will let people buy some clothes for the children."

After hearing this sentence, Qiao Liuhua looked up at Gongxi Leng. He was willing to buy clothes and things for his children?

Gong Xi Leng looked at Qiao Liuhua's unbelievable look, and said again: "I will make people ready for what the child needs."

After hearing this, Qiao Liuhua smiled, and she really laughed.

She is really afraid of wronging this child.

I'm really afraid ...

When Gong Xi was cold, she was relieved.

"thank you."

Qiao Liuhua's drawing of this sentence, combined with a tearful smile, made Gong Xi cold.

It seems that he hasn't seen Qiao Liu's smile for a long time, especially sincere smile.

But his heart seemed uncomfortable, and there was a feeling of soreness and swelling.

He didn't know why.

He didn't investigate what Gong Xiliang didn't understand.

Because his heart has not been touched for a long time, he does not understand his own emotions.

After all, it's been a long time since ancient times.

Gongxi Leng sat in the room for a long time. Relatively speaking, he and Qiao Liuhua also spoke peacefully.

In the evening, he also ate with Qiao Liuhua.

When eating, Gongxi Leng seemed to be a person, and began to paint and cloth dishes for Qiao Liu.

Qiao Liuhua was completely flattered.

She was a little scared, holding the chopsticks carefully and dared not eat.

She carefully watched the cold look of Gong Xi, and determined that he had nothing wrong, so she dared to eat.

To be honest, Qiao Liuhua had a hard time eating.

Because she needed to be very careful and alert, she couldn't taste the food.

Gong Xi Leng watched Qiao Liuhua eat slowly, and seemed to eat less, and asked, "Don't you like it?"

Qiao Liuhua was afraid of Gongxi Leng's unhappy mood, and quickly shook his head: "No, no, it's delicious, I ... I just eat slowly."

Speaking, Qiao Liuhua hurriedly put food in his mouth ...

But because she ate too much, her stomach was uncomfortable and she felt vomiting.

She got up quickly, ran out, went to the bathroom and vomited.


Gongxi Leng is the king of the sea tribe, and naturally has superb hearing, so this voice, he heard very clearly.

He had a chill in his body, freezing his room all at once.

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