Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 2166: Relationship with Creation God

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Gong Xi Leng's attitude was OK, talking to Feng Sujin because he felt the breath of the creation god.

The breath of the creation **** on this woman made him very surprised.

He and the creation **** both existed in ancient times, so he knew the breath of the creation god.

This woman has it.

That's why this woman can break into this hall.

However, this woman is human, how can it be related to the creation god?

Or does this woman's soul have something to do with the creation god?

Gong Xi looked coldly at Feng Sujin.

His doubts were too deep, and he said, "What is your relationship with the Creator?"

Creation God?

Hearing these three words from Gongxi Lengkou again, Feng Sujin's heart trembled fiercely, his heart throbbed, and her heart skipped.

Creation God ...

When everyone said the creation god, Feng Sujin began to believe.

Began to believe in the speculation of the magic moon.

Jun Mohan?

is it him?

Feng Sujin's heart made waves, and she could not calm down for a long time.

She looked at Gongxi Leng, and looked at him. Is he here to communicate with her because of the God of Creation?

If this is the case, she can use this relationship to negotiate with Gongxi Leng?

Feng Sujin settled down to God: "This is a secret. I can't tell you. I am Qiao Liuhua's worship sister Feng Sujin. Qiao Liuhua has suffered a lot. You can't hurt her anymore."

Because of the relationship between the creation gods, Gong Xiliang also answered Feng Sujin's words, "You can rest assured that she is fine now and not injured."

Feng Sujin said with a condensed expression: "She has your child, and you have a fiancee of the ghost clan, and a princess of the sea clan. She may not be physically injured now, but her heart must be injured."

Hearing Feng Sujin's words, Gong Xi's cold eyes trembled, his expression was rigid, and no one could see what he was thinking now.

Even Feng Sujin couldn't see the change in Gongxi's cold look.

Feng Sujin looked at the silent Gongxi Leng, and continued, "Did you know? When I saw Qiao Liuhua, she was almost killed by the people in Canxuelou ... At that time, she was very thin and nourishing Bad, when I saved her, her eyes were empty and lonely, even with despair, but she wanted to work hard ...

Later I learned that she was hunted down and fled all the way. In order to survive, she had to go into the devil-like place of the Blood Tower ...

She said that the treasure of the ghost family is the heart of the ghost ...

She said that she would find the ghost's heart, and then return to the ghost clan and win everything ...

Later, we went to the old site of the ancient country and saw the mural, which looks like yours. At that time, Qiao Liu painting cried. She looked at your mural as if she had fallen into the magic barrier ...

When she knew about the Hai people, when she guessed your identity, she was willing to let go of her hatred ...

She said she just wanted to go back and take a look, knowing about the ghost and the sea ... "

Feng Sujin slowly talked about these things related to Qiao Liuhua.

These are all unknown to Gongxi Leng.

Gong Xi Leng, even if her heart is hard, after listening, her look changed.

He didn't know this, nor did Qiao Liuhua suffer from it.

After a short while, Gong Xi murmured coldly: "She said she would make up ..."

Feng Sujin sneered, "Why make up, because she is innocent, not her fault, because she loves you, is sad for you, and wants to help you, so he will make up, otherwise why does Qiao Liuhua do this? "

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