Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Qiao Liuhua didn't want to ask anything else, she just wanted to ask such a sentence at the moment when she finally left.

Ask such a sentence for herself.

For her as a heart of Qiao Huaer, for her as a heart of Qiao Liu.

She is her, the soul of her heart.

She loved Gongxi Leng so coldly. It was Qiao Huaer that she loved it so silently, and he did not even know that Qiao Huaer existed. When Qiao Liu painting, he approached her purposefully, in order to get revenge.

Even if Gong Xi cold hurt her, she still wanted to ask such a sentence.

She wants to know the answer, she wants to know the answer before disappearing.

She wanted to hear his voice at the last moment of her memory.

Gong Xi Leng looked down at Qiao Liuhua's so earnest and persistent look, but in his mind was Hai Lingzhu, his family, and Qiao Waner's killing and madness at the time.

He said coldly: "No love."

He seemed reluctant to speak more, and he only answered these two words.

So cold, so cold, even the eyes are so cold.

Although Qiao Liuhua knew Gong Xilian's possible answer, she still felt suffocated with heartache.

At this moment, she seemed to faint, she thought she was going to die.

But she took a deep breath and forced the soreness in her eyes back.

Every time she thought she was going to die, she took a deep breath and found that her heart was still beating.

It turns out she is still alive!

She still hurts!

Qiao Liuhua took a deep look at Gongxi Leng, and then walked towards the door.

You Daijia watched Qiao Liuhua going to leave, and started shouting, "Wang, can you just let her go like this? She is killing Haizu ..."

Qiao Liuhua heard You Daijia's words, stepped forward, and then slowly looked back at Gongxi Leng.

Is he trying to kill her?

Gong Xi closed her eyes coldly, and seemed unwilling to see Qiao Liu's paintings.

He said, "Let's go, I promised others, let you go, you go!"

This person is naturally Feng Sujin, so Gong Xilian cannot kill Qiao Liuhua.

In fact, at this time, he knew that the Hai people would soon die, and Hai Lingzhu could not be opened. Even if Qiao Liuhua was killed, nothing could be changed.

In the final analysis, it is still ancient times that Thaksin was wrong.


Listening to Gongxi Leng's words, Qiao Liuhua didn't want to understand what she meant. She looked at him with her eyes closed. She tried to smile and seemed to want to leave her a smile.

But she found that she couldn't laugh, and her breathing was painful. She tried hard to squeeze out a smile, but she couldn't make a smile.

Qiao Liuhua went out step by step like this.

Actually she was hurting all over.

Just after the child was gone, her body was very painful. She walked out the door step by step, her feet as if stepping on the tip of a knife.

She didn't know what strength she was supporting to walk step by step.

When she came to the door, she couldn't help looking back.

She told herself and looked at Gong Xi cold again.

When she turned back, she looked at the cold eyes of Shang Gongxi.

After taking a deep look, Qiao Liuhua walked out of the door and disappeared into the cold sight of Gong Xi.

At the glance that Qiao Liuhua turned around just now, Gong Xilian felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Qiao Liuhua walked to a remote corner on the floating island. She bit her finger with her teeth and allowed the blood to fall to the ground. She turned her hands, and she was going to use the flesh of the ghostly void to open the power of Hailing Zhu .

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