Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin knew that Gongxi Leng said this sentence, and it was also a promise that she would help her.

She didn't think she would need the help of the Hai people.

But when she thought of the powerful forces in the second tier, her expression changed and she nodded.

Maybe there will be a time when you need the sea tribe!

The Feng family in the second-tier world is so powerful and cruel in her childhood memory.

There are also the Xiqiao family, those resurrection arrays implemented, cold and ruthless, using human lives to experiment.

There are also those who forced Jun Mohan to return. Although they did not know their strength, they knew that everyone was very strong at a glance.

Feng Sujin couldn't help remembering that day, the three people of the Xiqiao family appeared in the Black Devil Forest.

Those three were just three people from the Xiqiao family performing tasks, but they were so powerful.

Had Jun Mohan been there, she might have died there.

Thinking of this, Feng Sujin's hands were clenched into fists, and she knew that she would become stronger, and become stronger faster.

Otherwise there will be only killed.

She went to the second floor to kill others.

She still has to meet with Jun Mohan earlier and find her mother earlier. I don't know if her biological mother is still alive.

In any case, she will go to her mother.

After Feng Sujin and Huan Yueyan bid farewell to the Hai people, they left the Hai people.

Gong Xilian looked back from Feng Sujin's previous words and began to realize what he was going to do next.

He is looking for Qiao Liuhua in the whole world.

He believes that Qiao Liuhua is still alive, he must be alive.

Even if Qiao Liuhua was really gone, he would reunite her soul.

He must think of a way.

Gongxi Leng's look was very firm. The next thing he wanted to do was to find a reflow painting.

Gong Xi Leng insisted on the idea of ​​finding a regurgitation painting, his eyes flashed with madness.

He was slightly better and he went to Floating Island.

He went to the room where Qiao Liuhua was staying before the floating island. Here is the atmosphere of Qiao Liuhua.

He wanted to be near her, even if he felt psychologically close to her.

He sat on the sofa, looking at everything in the room, thinking about what Qiao Liu's paintings used to be.

If he can return to that time, he will cherish it, he must accompany the painting more and love her more.

Gong Xiliang thought that during that time, he let Qiao Liuhua ignore the painting here and let Yu Daijia hurt the painting, and his heart was tingling.

Can't think, I can't breathe when I think about it.

He looked inside the room, empty, just like his heart, so empty.

When the painting was in the past, he did not know how to cherish it, but now that the painting is gone, he couldn't find her figure.

Gong Xi Leng looked at a corner, and there seemed to be something stacked. He walked over and picked it up, all of which were children's clothes.

He remembered that these were all clothes Qiao Liuhua made himself.

Gong Xilian's hands holding these clothes shook, and his eyes became red again.

It is said that the man did not cry easily because he did not reach the sad place.

At this time, Gong Xi's cold eyes were full of tears. He buried his head in his clothes, as if crying in depression, and his throat was hurt.

"sorry Sorry……"

I'm sorry I didn't know who it was addressed to, Gong Xi Leng kept talking, as if to tell him, as if to tell the picture in his heart.

Maybe speaking like this, Gongxi Leng's heart can be slightly better, otherwise he will collapse.

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