Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin thought about this, and felt some pain in her heart. She felt bad for her family, and missed him even more.

I really wanted to think about it, and it made her heart hurt.

She still remembers that Jun Mohan's body was severely damaged because of the blue light in the temple.

She still remembers that day when she arrived with Cats and saw Jun Mohan bleed, she was really scared.

If she hadn't asked the Blue Snake Country's rampant fence later, she would have no idea what happened.

Jun Mohan did too much for her.

She knew countless things, not to mention how secretly he had done for her in secret.

As long as Feng Sujin thinks of Jun Mohan, she thinks that it is all good for Jun Mohan.

When she thought about it, her heart was trembling.

Feng Sujin's hands on the sides were tightly held.

My mother just talked to her and said that as long as she can find those things early and exercise to improve herself, after she has a child, she may be able to go to the second floor.

Soon, there are still months.

Thinking that you could see Jun Mohan earlier, Feng Sujin's heart was beating fast.

Because there is love and thoughts in her heart, Feng Sujin is full of strength throughout her body, and she has no fear in her heart.

Feng Sujin looked at the light and shadow in the temple shadow, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

As if she was familiar with it.

There was a strange voice as if calling her name, "Feng Sujin, Feng Sujin ..."

Just like when she first came to the tunnel, it was this call.

Who is calling her name?

Feng Sujin walked in, as if walking to the center of the temple. At the height of the temple, there was a circle of high platforms, and there seemed to be lamps on the platform.

One of them was a very bright lamp emitting blue light.

Seeing the blue light, Feng Sujin shook her body. Is that the blue light with her soul?

Then the ground seemed to be shaking, and then a group of people in white clothes went into the hall and knelt down.

Immediately afterwards, there were several masked people in the hall, and then a chain-like noise sounded.

A blue woman walked in from outside the gate of the temple. She was detained, wearing chains on her hands and feet, and stepped towards the center of the temple step by step.

The person who escorted her wanted her to kneel, but the woman in blue stood upright with a cold smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Feng Sujin, kneel!"

Hearing this sentence, Feng Sujin's face changed all the time. What's her name?

But the blue woman, like the blue woman she dreamed of before.

She remembered that when dreaming about the blue woman in her dreams, she always said that she was her.

She also told her a lot.

It was a ray of thought in her mind, and then it seemed to dissipate. She never dreamed of a blue woman again.

Now in this afterimage, Feng Sujin was shocked.

Was this woman in blue ever escorted in a temple?

The blue woman laughed and laughed, "I just want you to kneel. I mistrust others and get caught by you, but it's not easy for you to kill me."

"Feng Sujin, although you have the blood of the blue phoenix, but it is not indestructible, but our temple has a way to burn the soul and just give you a try." As soon as this sentence came out, the blue woman's face changed significantly. Their bodies are shaking.

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