Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 2228: Hang people are the best

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Therefore, Feng Sujin thinks that if there is an elite weapon building team, that is the real help.

She wants to collect talents for building weapons and developing weapons, but until now, she hasn't found that kind of genius.

But these two weapons made her seem to see the talented team behind her.

Feng Sujin turned to Huan Yueyan and said, "Can you find someone who researched and developed them based on the breath of these two weapons?"

After hearing this question, Feng Yueyan seemed to know what Feng Sujin wanted to do.

She looked at it and thought about it: "I passed a lot of people's hands with the dagger, so I need to get the hand, distinguish it accurately, and then look for it. Maybe I will find many people, but I will always find the person the master needs."

Feng Sujin nodded, and said to Yueyue Yan: "Then take these two weapons."

Speaking of which, Feng Sujin seemed to think of something, and glanced at the compartment where Ren Feijian was located. The corner of her mouth evoked a cold arc: "Although it was filmed, but let that film anything, we will even have Taiji wood. Just bring them together. "

"Yes, lord, leave it to me."

It is not easy to get things, especially the three-legged cat by Ren Feijian is not enough for her.

Huan Yue Yan likes pitting people the most.

At the beginning, when she hated human beings, as a composer, Mrs. Qu's favorite thing was pit people, and that would be her only pleasure.

Later, following Feng Sujin, she changed a lot of habits.

However, when she was asked to do these things again, she still grasped it without any discomfort, and she was still excited.

It's finally fun.

The culprit rushed to death, and she fulfilled him.

But play it first. When you look back, if you do n’t care, you ca n’t blame her if you kill someone.

Feng Sujin looked at Yueyueyan eagerly, looking excited, secretly thinking, isn't she usually restraining Yueyueyan tightly?

Isn't she supposed to give Phantom Moon more freedom?

Let her play freely?

However, thinking of those styles of Madam Magic Moon Yan, Feng Sujin shook her head.

If it was in Fengyun City that gave Yueyueyan freedom, wouldn't she upset Fengyun City?

So Feng Sujin hurriedly stopped the idea just in her head.

Just then, Magic Moon Yan stared at that Ren Feijian.

A weapon starts at 10 million, and now it's 60 million.

The magic moon looks like it was designed for Feijian.

When others increase the price, she does not move.

Waiting for Ren Feijian to increase the price, she added a dollar later.

This is the case every time the fare increase, and Ren Feijian is mad.

Jin Rouqi knew Ren Feijian, she said next to Huan Yueyan: "Ren Feijian was arrogant and arrogant. Suddenly faced with this situation, he would be irritated. Once irritated, he would make nothing. Things without IQ. "

Huan Yueyan nodded and said, "Well, just to make him no IQ, to anger him and see what he is going to do, but let him shoot down the weapon as an injustice, we just saved the money to buy weapons."

In the end, when Ren Feijian was preparing not to increase the price, there was no increase in the price of Magic Moon Yan, and everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding.

In this way, Ren Feijian still bought these two weapons at sky-high prices.

He vomited blood on the spot.

The auction house has something to do with the Chu family. He was trying to guide others to spend a lot of money on weapons. He didn't expect to pit himself.

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