Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Ren Feijian was already provoked. He said coldly, "I dare to do it, dare to kill you together. You both give me and kill them." The bodyguards listened to Ren Feijian's words and started to do it.

Do not use Feng Sujin to shoot, Huan Yueyan directly kill these people.

"Bump bump ..."

After throwing everyone out, Hyun Yue Yan shook her arm and said, "It's not enough to move your bones."

Ren Feijian watched everyone killed, his face changed, "You ... who are you, you are not a person!"

Huan Yueyan listened to Ren Feijian's words, his expression changed slightly, he felt that Ren Feijian was not right.

But he didn't see his problem for a while.

Feng Sujin waved his hand to Magic Moon Yan, who stepped forward and tortured Ren Feijian, and then asked him to hand over both Taiji Wood and two weapons.

When he got what he wanted, Feng Sujin wanted to let the magic moon Yan kill Ren Feijian.

However, he thought that Ren Feijian would still be useful.

Now she has important things to do first, and Ren Feijian will set aside first.

But it won't let him run away.

Feng Sujin gave him something to eat, then found a village house, and let Jin Rouqi watch first.

Feng Sujin and Magic Moon Yan went to the person who made the weapon according to the breath on the dagger.

There is a lot of breath on the dagger, and Magic Moon Yan needs to be found one by one, and Feng Sujin and Magic Moon Yan also went to many places in Fengyun City.

However, they finally came to a half-hill on the mountain according to the breath.

As soon as this place was near, we could hear the tinkling sounds and some strange sounds.

Feng Sujin's phoenix magic has already been excellent in ear strength.

The magic moon face is a fantasy beast, and its ability is naturally not ordinary.

Feng Sujin lay on the stone wall halfway up the mountain and listened, then looked puzzledly at Yueyueyan.

Huan Yue Yan listened for a while, then smelled and said, "How do I think there are animals in this?"

"Beasts? If this is the place to build weapons, how could there be your beasts?"

Speaking of this sentence, Feng Sujin seemed to think of something, and said, "Yes, isn't the dagger said to have added iron beast armor? Is it really related to beasts?"

"I feel that some of the faint sounds in it are like beasts, maybe some low-level beasts."

"Low-level beast?"

Huan Yue Yan explained: "Well, they are not very advanced in intelligence and their thinking ability is not very good, so such beasts generally live in the old forest in the mountains, and they will not appear, even in They will be hidden in the age of demons, not to mention this era, it should not exist, but I feel as if it really exists here. "

Feng Sujin thought for a while and said, "Let's go and see!"


Magic Moon Yan concealed her and Feng Sujin again. The two found an entrance, passed through the defensive person, and went in.

The sound of jingling, the sound of iron chains, and the sound of some sips and whips gradually became clear.

Many voices are mixed together.

Through many passages of the stone wall, Feng Sujin and Huan Yueyan reached another place, as if it were a closed mountain forest.

When she saw the scene here, Feng Sujin's face changed.

Sure enough, there are many people and many beasts.

Many people are locked by iron chains. They are building daggers. Many beasts are locked by iron chains. They are carrying things and controlling the fire.

There are also a lot of electronic instruments in the house, and many people have been chained to develop weapons.

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