Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

If He Lanluxue is really tested and knows the news, he can really help these people, then he is the one who can really cooperate.

He can be pushed to the position of the true city owner by Feng Sujin.

Conversely, Feng Sujin would be merciless.

But she believes in her own judgment, there should be no problem here for He Lanluxue.

Gu Ruoshuang thought about Feng Sujin's words, and then told the truth to He Lanluxue.

After hearing He Lanluxue's expression, his face froze, a dim light flashed under his eyes, and the cold light was faint.

Since Chu Pifu left, he was hurt by the betrayal of the Chu family, and he had no intention to manage the affairs of Fengyun City.

But this does not mean that he does not love these people.

He thought that Fengyun City is very prosperous nowadays, and now the people are willing to live in peace, so he doesn't care about the city.

He was even more reluctant to fight against the Chu family, so it was the people in the city that were injured.

But he didn't expect that the Chu family would treat the people like this regardless of his business?

At this moment, He Lan Lüxue looked a little bit hurt, and more blame herself.

It's because he didn't do well for the city owner.

I still remember when my father left, he was told to be the owner of the city and protect all the people in the city.

He didn't do it well.

He Lan Lüxue was agitated and began to cough continuously.

"Cough, cough ..."

Gu Ruoshuang looked at He Lanluxue like this, worried. He Lanluxue coughed as if coughing in her heart.

"Citylord, how are you, are you all right?"

Gu Ruoshuang looked at He Lanluxue's breathlessness, pale, and worried.

Gu Ruoshuang's hands shook.

Gu Ruoshuang pressed a few acupuncture points of He Lanluxue to make his breathing smoother, then poured him water, let him drink it, and took medicine.

After He Lan Lüxue was slightly better, looking at Gu Ruoshuang's worried look, her heart was bitter.

How can his body look like this ...

He Lanluxue closed his eyes and calmed down his emotions. After opening it again, his eyes were calm, like Gujing.

"Chu family, haven't you done a lot of things?"

Gu Ruoshuang said: "I didn't know the subordinates before, but when I came back, I saw the guards of the Chu family treating the people rudely, and the old people and children were knocked aside by them. Everyone was afraid to be angry. Say ... "

The scene Gu Ruoshuang will see all told He Lanluxue.

He Lanluxue said: "Ruoshuang, do you think my city owner is also very useless?"

"No, the city owner is very good. You just don't want to cause disputes in Fengyun City. You just read the old feelings. The city owner doesn't have to deny himself for others' opinions. You are you."

He Lanluxue listened to Gu Ruoshuang's words, his expression eased a lot, "Ruoshuang, I suddenly want to be a good city master, will you stay with me?"

"City master, Ruoshuang is always with you, Ruoshuang believes your health will be good."

I don't know why, at this moment Gu Ruoshuang seemed to see something different on He Lanluxue, as if he wasn't hiding anything, he was going to be a good city master.

He Lanxue's expression moved, in fact, Gu Ruoshuang gave him a strength to make his heart come alive, so that he was willing to do something and be a good city master.

He Lanluxue said: "Ruoshuang, as you said, arrange those people in the backyard of the city's main house, even if I have disappeared for a long time, but no one has dared to run into the city's main house.

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