Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

But now, He Lan Lüxue couldn't even say this idea, he was also afraid that he would just go like this.

He suddenly discovered that he had nostalgia for the world, and the person who made him nostalgic was Gu Ruoshuang.

Perhaps when it comes to life and death, He Lan Lüxue can understand a lot of truth, only to understand that people should cherish the people in front of them.

He Lan Lüxue had too many emotions in her heart, and she also had a lot of emotions in her eyes. She had too much to say.

But maybe a thousand words can only be reduced to a single sentence.

He suddenly found out that the person he was nostalgic for was Gu Ruoshuang. When he thought he was going to stop breathing, at that moment, he thought about the figure of Gu Ruoshuang.

At this moment, He Lanluxue was holding Gu Ruoshuang's hand, but he didn't want to let go, he really wanted to hold it like this.

Gu Ruoshuang did not expect He Lan Lüxue to say sorry, she heard this sorry, she could not stop her tense emotion.

Her tears flowed like this, and she said hoarsely, "What does the owner say, and why do you say sorry?"

He Lanluxue looked at Gu Ruoshuang's tears, and his heart hurt so hard that he couldn't breathe because of his heart.

He Lanluxue let go of Gu Ruoshuang's hand, then gently wiped her tears away.

"Don't cry, it's my fault."

With a gentle word in a low voice, Gu Ruoshuang trembled, and she bit her lip flap so that she tried not to cry.

But sometimes emotions are beyond control.

Gu Ruoshuang was crying out of breath, and He Lan Lüxue looked at her like this, and was even more distressed, her heart seemed to be hit by a hammer all at once.

At this moment, He Lanluxue just wanted to hold Gu Ruoshuang in her arms, and took good care of her.

But his body was too weak, even when he raised his hand, he sweated **** his forehead, let alone sit up and hugged Gu Ruoshuang.

He Lanluxue looked at him now so weak and sick, his eyes dimmed.

In this way, how does he love Gu Ruoshuang and how is he good to Gu Ruoshuang?

Gu Ruoshuang took a few deep breaths, stabilized her emotions, and found her own voice. She tried to smile at He Lanluxue and said, "The city owner is particularly good. The city owner should not say this to himself, others just don't know you are good, people who know you There are still many people who love you, and everyone knows you are good. "

He Lanluxue became more tender when she heard Gu Ruoshuang's words.

But his mental state is really bad. When talking about the energy of a conversation, his physical energy seems to be exhausted, and he can't open his eyes.

"If frost, you can go to rest for a while. I'm fine. I'll sleep for a while."

Gu Ruoshuang shook his head, "Citylord, take a rest, I'm not tired."

He Lanluxue wanted to say that she was a silly girl, but before closing, he closed her eyes.

When Gu Lanxue closed her eyes, Gu Ruoxian's heart shook.

Her frightened body shook, then she stretched out her hands and placed it on the tip of He Lanluxue's nose. She felt relieved when she felt breathing.

At that moment, Gu Ruoshuang's horrified body was sweating coldly.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hands, then dipped the towel in warm water, and gently wiped the sweat from her hands and her forehead with He Lanluxue.

Her movements were very light, for fear of disturbing He Lan's rest.

Gu Ruoshuang took care of He Lanluxue under such psychological fear, for fear he would go.

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