Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The national leaders of these member states said with an eyebrow and arrogance, with a proud look and a straight back, not to mention it.

Of course, when they say these words, they may be deliberately angering some self-righteous leaders.

Whoever made them look down on others before, and who made them oppress others before, Ye Lang was arrogant and despised them.

I heard that they were also very polite to their leader Feng Sujin, and heard a lot of contempt.

Today, Feng Sujin is as inviolable as God in these people's hearts. She used to dare to give Feng Sujin power to disdain their allies, and they would not be too polite in language.

"Our leader has said that it is all member countries. She will cover us. There will be no country that is not afraid of death to start a war. Our leader said that who dares to go to war will destroy them directly."

"Our leader also said that in the future, countries that are deceiving and bullying, and countries with nostrils will not be too polite ..."

"Our leader also said that our economic strength and military strength will soon increase. Our leader has just sent some experts to help improve food in our country ... and education will also improve ..."


Everyone, you said one word to me, and said that proud and proud, they feel that doing things under Feng Sujin is the most right, they all seem to see the hope of their country.

Of course, what they said was that those leaders who once thought that they were right did not dare to refute.

They think it's really slap.

And when they listened to these words, they all felt that they were referring to Sanghuai. Of course, they didn't dare to say anything, and they had to please these people who had never been seen by them.

Of course, they also regret in their hearts and envy the treatment of these small countries.

They know that what these people are saying is true. Maybe it won't be long before these countries will develop in all aspects and may overtake their national strength.

These people can't cry. If they cry and kneel and ask for forgiveness to let Feng Sujin accept them as a member, they will be happy.

Looking at these people crying, the leaders of the member states deliberately revealed a message, saying that the owners of the alliance are very good, or maybe they are doing very well, the alliance owners will consider expanding the number of members.

Of course, they just said they would consider it.

That's the meaning, so that these people suddenly rejuvenated, they thought, no matter how to see Feng Sujin, even if they kneel, they must express their loyalty, so that their country can become a member of the League A member of the country.


Feng Sujin naturally knew that there would be leaders from other countries waiting at the Qujia door, so she left from the Qujia back door.

The Qu family has a great career, but now the rights are in the hands of Mrs. Qu, that is, in the hands of a certain magic moon.

The right of the magic moon face is also the right of Feng Sujin, so Feng Sujin knows all the circumstances of the composer, chooses a small door that is not found, and quietly leaves.

Things are almost done here, Feng Sujin went directly to Fengyun City.

Now that the battle in Fengyun City is under the command of He Lanluxue, it is also coming to an end.

Chu's father and son could not turn out any storms, and the national alliance of Chu Guijian's combination was completely useless.

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