Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin looked at the two men, his expression moved, he seemed to understand something, and then took back the power in his hand.

She said to Yang Sen: "You haven't treated Jin Rouqi with the same respect. You always treat Jin Rouqi with a kind of charity. This is not sincere. When you learn how to respect her, you can leave her . "

When Yang Sen heard these words, his face changed, his eyes trembled, he didn't seem to understand, but he also seemed to understand something.

Jin Rouqi pursed her lips and said nothing. Feng Sujin's words suddenly made her realize that what was missing between her and Yang Sen was the respect.

Yang Sen was standing in a high position, looking down at her, and treating her with a charitable attitude.

Although it is also good for her, this relationship is not equal.

She also only recently realized that she can stay with Jansen all the time, and she is also pretending to be a tiger, because he gave her the right.

He did protect her.

Those handles were also deliberately missed by her so that she could continue to stay with him without fear.

In fact, this man also used his heart, but she did not feel secure.

She is not strong enough to reach the same position as Janssen, she is insecure.

A man like Yang Sen is not a person like He Lanluxue. After he knows his heart, Helan Luxue can give Gu Ruoshuang enough gentleness and care, and give Gu Ruoshuang a sense of security.

But Janssen is not such a person. Janssen is a kind of strong macho. He puts his rights first.

Therefore, if Jin Rouqi could not give her a sense of security herself, she would not be able to stay beside Yang Sen, even if Yang Sen was sincere to her.

But it's not enough.

Feng Sujin looked at Yang Sen's look that she didn't quite understand, and she said, "In the place you don't know, have you ever thought about Jin Rouqi's mood, have you ever thought about her previous grievances? Do you know the people behind How to insult her, treat her as your mistress, how to look down on her and ridicule her, that kind of contempt, and that she should not bear, if you really treat her, you should not let her suffer a little bit of grievance, you I have n’t learned these yet. I ’ll take Jin Rouqi away. If you are really sincere, if you really learn these, come to Jin Rouqi again! "

Speaking, Feng Sujin pulled Jin Rouqi and went out.

Yang Sen's expression was a little bit cracked. He never knew Jin Rouqi's grievances outside. What he heard most was how Jin Rouqi scolded and bullied others.

He smiled when he heard it. In fact, he felt that Jin Rouqi was next to him, and he actually ignored her a lot.

It can be said that Feng Sujin's words really hit his head like a stick, making him seem to understand something.

At this moment, Yang Sen's face was very bad, and naturally he could not stop Feng Sujin from leaving with Jin Rouqi.

Jin Rouqi looked back at Yang Sen as she stepped out of the door.

However, she followed Feng Sujin firmly and left Yang Fu.

After leaving Yang House, Feng Sujin looked at Jin Rouqi and said, "Why, do you want to go back?"

Jin Rouqi shook her head and said, "I know that even if I stay with Yang Sen, I can't change anything. My ability is still weak, not enough for him to use enough sincerity to not ignore me."

Feng Sujin heard Jin Rouqi's words and patted her on the shoulder. "You are clever. When your heart is strong enough, maybe when he understands your importance. When you stay together at that time, you should not be what you are now. Only if you pay enough attention to each other can you live well together. "

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