Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Nong Ruolan knew that if it had not been covered in advance, such a sky scene would inevitably attract the attention of other international forces.

May expose Feng Sujin's identity, bringing danger to Feng Sujin and her children.

Because no one knows whether the family's eyeliners were hidden in the first-tier realm.

So fortunately, she had prepared the battle in advance, and no one else could see the surrounding sky.

At present, the people in Fengjia Villa are all credible people, and there will be no problems.

Feng Sujin's stomach hurts, and for a while, she felt that there was some light around her body covering it.

She felt like she was in the cloud, and when she was in a blur, she didn't feel any pain.

At the moment Feng Sujin gave birth to the child, four tweets came from the sky.

These four tweets sounded as if they were coming from the ancient floods, and they were shocking.

It makes everyone feel a sense of reverence, and makes people involuntarily want to kneel.

Nong Ruolan murmured in shock: "Four beasts of heaven and earth?"

Rao is mentally prepared, and this will be a shock.

As soon as this child was born, the Four Gods Beast was seduced. She said that the child was extraordinary and was born with the protection of the Four Gods Beast!

That voice, she would not hear wrong.

Rich Ruolan was a little excited.

Ran Qiulan was really worried about Feng Sujin. I didn't expect Feng Sujin to be born so fast, so there should be no problem.

She hugged the child and washed it, and then placed it on Feng Sujin's bed.

Once the child was born, it looked so beautiful and beautiful.

Ran Qiulan has never seen such a cute baby.

When the child opened his eyes, those eyes were moving, and his eyes blinked, just like Liuli Huaguang.

Yue Wuxin was in the courtyard of Fengjia Villa and was shocked to see the sky.

He lamented: "This child is too strong! The four gods can be summoned from birth, and they come out so fast, incredible."

Qiu Wenyi said: "How can the children of Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin be ordinary? This is the birth of a genius demon."

Qiu Wenxun can imagine that this child must be stronger than his parents, a little evil.

On the bed inside the room, Feng Sujin seemed to be in the clouds, and the nagging ones were all asleep.

Ran Qiulan likes Feng Sujin's child and can't help looking at him all the time.

The child opened his eyes and looked at Ran Qiulan, smiled at her, then turned around and kissed Feng Sujin.

Ran Qiulan looked at this scene, his mouth widened in surprise, but he couldn't fully react.

Is this a newborn child?

A newborn child turns around and kisses his mother?

And he just seemed to smile at her kindly.

Ran Qiulan was petrified by the bedside.

She had seen so many strange things, but none of them had been like this, which made her forget the reaction.

Ran Qiulan wanted to talk, and she found that she couldn't find any voice in shock.

After a long while, Ran Qiulan said, "You ... you ..."

The baby ignored her, but arched hard against Feng Sujin, then giggled.

After a few giggles, he closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

He just came out in a rage. In order not to toss his mother, he was tired. He had to rest and add strength before he could accompany his mother.

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