Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Maybe someone else could not see with a naked eye the strange scene over the location of Fengquan Villa in Beiquan City.

But Jun Mohan's soul power can see the colorful glory in the sky.

Even if it is surrounded by matrix formations, others cannot see it, but Jun Mohan's soul power can be seen.

His soul was a powerful existence against the sky, and nothing he could not see.

Even if there is a formation, it is useless to his soul power.

Seeing such colorful Huaguang, Jun Mohan also followed.

This colorful Huaguang has a powerful power that will last for a long time, and there is such a light, with the power of holiness, faint and fairy.

Seen from a distance, Fengjia Villa is shrouded in light, bright and moving, like a fairyland.


Jun Mohan was shocked. He felt that his child appeared with fairy power.

In Jun Mohan's cognition, there is no fairyland immortal power in Jiuzhong Realm. Is it a place outside the territory?

Or is it because he is the child of Feng Sujin, he is special?

In any case, as long as it is his child, he will love him and protect him.

Jun Mohan looked for a while, then the soul power gradually moved towards Feng's house.

Even if he is just a ray of soul power now, but he is equivalent to Jun Mohan itself.

What Jun Mohan thinks, and what he wants to do, will pass on his thoughts and souls to this soul, and let him do it on his own behalf.

This soul force quietly entered the wind house, like the same gust, no one could see him.

He sensed his breath and entered a room.

At this time, Feng Sujin was still asleep in bed, and a pink-carved baby was lying beside her, also asleep.

The moment she saw Feng Sujin and her baby, Jun Mohan's inner emotions suddenly burst out, rushing directly to the top of his head, his eyes were red and hot and sour.

He is a ray of soul power, so when he is excited and touched, his body is light.

As he swayed, the air flow fluctuated, as if there were waves of wind in the air.

This is his A Jin, he feels really too long to see her.

At this moment, even if it's just soul power, Jun Mohan's eyes are hot and tears.

He took a deep breath, then came softly to Feng Sujin's bed.

He looked at Feng Sujin and their children, and there was a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

My heart is warm and I can be filled with endless power all at once.

It turns out that love, so that his heart can be so warm, can make him full of strength and fearless in the world.

This is the person he loves, and he wants to protect his A Jin and his children.

Jun Mohan was reluctant to disturb them, so he looked at it silently, his eyes did not blink, as if he had to keep watching.

His eyes are gentle.

He wanted to reach out and touch Feng Sujin, to smooth her hair, he wanted to hug the child ...

But now he is a soul power, not an entity, and he can't do anything, just look at it like this.

And no one else can see him.

At this moment, Jun Mohan's heart was hot, and the whole body's blood seemed to be full of heat, so hot.

If it was Jun Mohan's entity, he thought, he would be unable to control his crying.

It's not sadness, but too much emotion bursts into my heart.

His A Jin, and his children, who they love, can make his heart extremely soft and incredible.

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