Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan pondered: "According to what I know, no one can cause black-and-white conflict."

Feng Sujin's mind suddenly said that some plans flashed out, and what seemed to come to her mind, she said, "But I look at that Qingmen host, who looks very weak, and was attacked by those people, so I was hurt."

Speaking of it, Feng Sujin stepped in a footstep, and she patted her head, "Doubt, those people?"

Speaking of which, Feng Sujin turned around and did not see those people before, only the blood on the ground.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin worriedly and said, "What are you looking for?"

"That is, those who had assaulted the Qingmen lord before were killed by the Qingmen lord, and those people had fallen to the ground before and were out of breath."

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed a dark light, "It looks like it was handled by the Qingmen, maybe the corpse is scattered."

Upon hearing this sentence, Feng Sujin shuddered. She felt that if it wasn't for Jun Mohan around her, she thought she had gone the wrong time.

Is this really a place on the second floor? Everywhere is different from the first layer.

Perhaps the world of the first-tier realm would not know that such a second-tier realm exists.

She really has a feeling of falling into time and space.

Feng Sujin stood in place, in fact, there was a messy feeling in the wind.

Jun Mohan was so worried about Feng Sujin of this kind, and took her in his arms. "Ajin, what's wrong? Don't worry, I'm here."

Feng Sujin is not really afraid, she just feels that she still doesn't know much about the second-tier society.

"Mo Han, this is really the second floor? It feels weird everywhere."

Jun Mohan smiled softly and said, "I will understand slowly."

Feng Sujin nodded and said: "Well, let's go find the magic moon face first. Her strength hasn't improved much. She relies on the pupil. But no one knows what is happening here. I worry about her safety."

Knowing that Feng Sujin was worried, Jun Mohan stopped delaying and took her quickly in one direction.

When reaching a valley cliff, a faint heat wave came out.

Feng Sujin felt the heat below the mountain and asked Jun Mohan, "Is the magic moon face really in this place?"

"It's her breath that's right, but it's a bit weak, let's go and see."

Jun Mohan runs his skills, holding Feng Sujin down.

At this moment, Feng Sujin also hugged Jun Mohan's waist.

She doesn't look at the surrounding scenery, and doesn't care if the heat below is hot or not, she feels hugging Jun Mohan, even if she is burned by the fire, she doesn't care.

Right and left, she is going to be with her husband.

Jun Mohan felt the strength of his hands on his waist and looked at the person in his arms, his eyes flashed a soft light.

It was also when Feng Sujin reunited and held her in his arms again that he felt full of heart.

I haven't seen him in such a long time, he actually has too many words to tell Feng Sujin, too many thoughts to talk about, but after real meeting, he found that he just wanted to hold her.

Those who want to talk are not in a hurry, and I will slowly tell her later.

Just before reaching the valley, Feng Sujin faintly heard some voices.

"Give up Fire Snake Dan."

"A thing that doesn't know where it comes from, dare to grab the snake snake with us ..."

"Ha ha, boy, give it up, are you waiting to die? But you know who we are ..."


Every voice was urging and threatening.

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