Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 2333: Overestimate self-control

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These fires in Feng Sujin's heart are actually passions and her feelings for Jun Mohan.

Just the hug and kiss that just met were not enough to explain the thoughts.

She just knew that she wanted more.

She wants to be closer to Jun Mohan.

Her attention was entirely on Jun Mohan. As for what he said, she didn't really listen.

She really misses her husband.

This will light two people in the room, the room is very quiet, the quiet Feng Sujin seems to only hear his own voice.

Even if Jun Mohan was telling her that she was in love, she didn't listen well.

She felt the breath around her was the breath of her husband.

Feng Sujin's dizziness was dizzy. She wanted to be close to Jun Mohan. She even felt dry.

She wanted Jun Mohan to hold her with those strong arms.

She wanted to feel his strength.

She felt a hot feeling all over her, she wanted to miss it ...

She felt hot on her body, she thought that Jun Mohan must be cool.

The breath on him was so good, so elegant, it was the breath she was familiar with, which made her so greedy.

She hasn't breathed his breath for a long time.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, she just felt unbearable.

She thought, maybe because she was too thoughtful, she missed her husband too much, she couldn't help but wanted to get closer, and wanted to hug ... want more ...

She couldn't control it, she didn't want to control it.

Her breath tightened, her heart beat fast, and her heart beat out.

In fact, Feng Sujin was also confused, she was not like this on weekdays.

She doesn't know what's going on with her now?

It's because I haven't seen Jun Mohan for a long time.

She actually wanted to focus on the situation in the second layer, but she couldn't concentrate.

Jun Mohan felt that Feng Sujin was wrong, but he didn't think much. He looked down at Feng Sujin and said, "Ajin?"

Jun Mohan's clean and quiet voice is very mellow and extraordinarily pleasant, as if he is arousing the heartstrings.

Let Feng Sujin's heart beating too fast, because the sobbing tone is going to blow up.

Feng Sujin bit her lip, struggling to suppress some feelings rising in her body.

When she heard Jun Mohan's voice, she looked up at him gently.

Jun Mohan can see the two clusters of flames burning under her eyes to the eye of Su Feng Jin.

Jun Mohan's eyes were dark, his throat was dry, and his throat rolled sexy.

There was a dim, deep light under his eyes.

But he still talked to Feng Sujin about the situation in the second layer.

Jun Mohan took Feng Sujin's waist, bowed her head and kissed her lips gently, "Ajin, obedient."

Jun Mohan obviously overestimated his self-control.

The moment he kissed Feng Sujin's lips, Jun Mohan didn't want to leave, and his body was boiling in a flash.

His lips did not leave Feng Sujin's lips.

He rubbed lightly, "A Jin, let me tell you first, okay?"


Feng Sujin couldn't help but make a sound, she felt that her body might explode.

Especially when Jun Mohan approached, the flames in her body could not be controlled at all.

Even if Feng Sujin was biting her lip, she couldn't help overflowing.

She didn't want to make such a shameful voice, but she was useless to control her body strength, because her body became hotter with every effort.

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