Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was also touched when she heard the words of Yueyueyan.

She wanted to say thank you, but felt that the words thank you were too pale.

She said in a deep voice: "This young lady of the Dongchu family should be a cruel man."

"Master, you are so beautiful, you must not be discovered by the members of the Dongchu family. Their perverted young lady will definitely be jealous of you and want to peel your skin."

Jun Mohan said, "A Jin, no one wants to hurt you."

Feng Sujin looked at the light in Jun Mohan's eyes, and felt a sense of security in his heart.

Feng Sujin smiled and said, "Don't worry, if the Dongchu family dares to mess with me, I will kill the Dongchu family."

Feng Sujin just killed the two Dongchu family members and also knew her own strength. She now has more confidence.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words with a smile, and said warmly, "A Jin would do whatever he wants, everything is mine."

To Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin is right to do anything.

Even if Feng Sujin shattered the second layer of the world, he covered her.

Feng Sujin can hear from this sentence, Jun Mohan's tone is full of pampering and maintenance.

She felt better in an instant, and her heart was filled with warmth.

Huan Yueyan looked at the master and Jun Mohan and looked like you, and her expression moved.

She feels that Feng Sujin is a person who protects shorts, but compared with Jun Mohan, she is still a bit short.

This Jun Mohan is completely unconditionally defending the master and conniving at the master.

Of course, she also thinks that the moon and the moon are right.


Feng Sujin and the three of them just walked out of the village not far away, and a group of people came.

The first person in the group pointed at them and said, "It's them, they're the robbers of the fire snake!"

After hearing these words and looking at these people, Feng Sujin's face changed.

The costumes of these people were the same as those of Manliu Mountain Villa who had previously snatched the fire snake Neidan.

From this point of view, this is the man in Manliu Villa.

Seeing these clothes, Huan Yueyan also guessed that this was a man from Liuliu Village. Her eyes were like spitting fire, with anger and murderousness.

When she was not strong yesterday, she couldn't get rid of all of them and almost was killed.

Now that she has melted the fire snake Nei Dan, her strength has already been improved, and she wants to take revenge.

"Master, it looks like Manliu Villa. Yesterday someone must have been watching in the dark. I didn't expect to call back so many people."

"They're really fast!"

Magic Moon Yan said: "Master, leave it to me, I will solve it."

She had just melted the power of the fire snake's inner Dan, and she was dying to try her strength. Unexpectedly, these people came to the door to die.

One of the group said humanly: "It was they who bravely killed more than a dozen of our brothers in Manliu Mountain Villa, and also snatched the fire snake Neidan, and tried to die!"

That man's words fell away, and more than twenty people attacked them in an instant towards the magic moon.

The weapons in each of them are different, but they are filled with powerful energy and come with a murderous attack.

Magic Moon Yan headed straight up, with a whispering cyclone all over, and began to counterattack.

Suddenly, Huan Yueyan and the group of people struck together.

Huanyue Yan took a sigh of anger yesterday, which would just vent.

Feng Sujin fisted his fingers, looking a little dignified.

Because she could see that the strength of the Manliu family was not weak.

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